Bishop (Boss)

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Bishop can be fought by going up the right path in the Pillar Mountains cave (only assessible via Super Fertilizer). There will be a Grindea statue upon the top of the cliff, which the Player can enter through, dropping down to the arena.


In the arena, Bishop will appear, stating that the player has played their part in the past, and now must fight Bishop for their part in the future.

Attacks and Abilities

Bishop is not one entity, but rather multiple that share the same health pool and can perform individual actions. This also means that damaging 2 clones at the same time will double the DPS.


A Bishop will appear at the top of the arena, forming its arms into a giant scythe. This scythe will swing across the entire arena 3 times and must be perfect guarded by either guarding in the direction its coming or guarding straight upwards.

Thrown Swords

A Bishop will throw 3 swords before disappearing, 3 bishops will catch the swords. Sometimes they will throw them to other Bishops. Move out of the way of the indicated path of the swords.

Sword Slash

A Bishop will dash toward the Player a swing a sword at them. There is no time to react to the slash itself, so the Player must keep an eye out for a Bishop running with an after-image motion effect and perfect guard the slash


A Bishop will run to the side of the Player and, much like Marino in the Dragonbone Dunes, indicate the path of its spear with a black line, before throwing it. Move vertically to avoid this.

A variation of this will see Bishops appearing on both sides of the arena and performing this attack, with a space where they won't attack. There will be an opportunity to attack here, and as Bishops are next to each other, the Player can increase their DPS by hitting those standing close to each other.

Vertical Spears

Dark circle will appear on the floor, before Bishops appear out of them and spear anything over them, before disappearing. Avoid the dark circles.


Bishops will appear and throw fireballs to random locations, indicated with circles, which will leave behind fire for a period of time

Fire Circle

All Bishops will be desummoned and one will appear at the top of the arena, surrounding the edges of the arena in fire before disappearing. One by one, Bishops will emerge from the fire and attempt to slash at the Player with a sword. It is best to stand still in the middle of the arena and perfect guard these attacks


Bishop Will appear at the top of the arena, commenting on how the Player has grown in power and that they must "Play out [their] destiny. Perform the final reaping, and usher in the true end of this world." He will then disappear and leave behind the Catalyst of Power. The Player will appear outside the Grindea statue, which is now closed.


  • A lot of the attacks can be avoided by just running and dodging, and those that cannot can be perfect guarded
  • Wait for a break in the attacks to deal damage
  • Barrier is an extremely useful spell here
  • Due to the nature of bishop, damage over time effects are less useful as the clone can disappear, however attacks that can deal splash damage can hit multiple Bishops and double of triple their DPS
    • This means that the effective HP of Bishop is actually lower than its actual HP


  • Bishop mentioning the Players part in the past and future is in reference to the Player defeating Zhamla at Tai Ming and the upcoming Zhamla Fight in the Forgotten Tower
  • The "reaping" mentioned upon defeat is in reference to Bishop's line just before the Zhamla fight: "Now, let the reaping begin"
  • The "true ending of this world" in in reference to the Player needing the Catalyst of Power to unlock the true ending and fight Zhamla Meer in the Forgotten Tower.