Black Ferrets

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Level 7
Health 1000
Weakness None
Resistance None
Found in Pillar Mountains
Vil default.png
Level 1
Health 1
Weakness None
Resistance None
Found in Pillar Mountains
Seeing the Boss happy again makes me want to sing!
Level 1
Health 1
Weakness None
Resistance None
Found in Pillar Mountains

The Black Ferrets

The Black Ferrets is a band of three bandits consisting of Teddy, Freddy and their leader Vilya.

They are encountered when the player travels down the Pillar Mountains and act as a hidden tutorial.

At first the player encounters Teddy and Freddy. They have virtually no health points, so they are downed quite easily. After defeating them the player gets to fight the real boss, bandit leader Vilya.

They are encountered a second time in the Collecters Guild, with all three gaining a great boost in hitpoints, and learning new abilities.


Teddy, Freddy and Vilya are references to the three developers of Pixel Ferrets; the team developing Secrets of Grindea.