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Gender Female
Type Vendor
Location Port Monnaie
If you really look at it, victory is defeating your enemy before you are defeated yourself!

Blokke is a vendor NPC found in the upper east side of Port Monnaie, who sells Shields, Armor and Shoes at her stall `Shield + Guard`.


Shield + Guard
Shield round.png Robust BucklerInterface goldicon.png 2800
Armor plate.png BreastplateInterface goldicon.png 8000
Shield polished.png Polished ShieldInterface goldicon.png 1750
VOShoes.png Very Ordinary ShoesInterface goldicon.png 2000
Shieldpiece.png Frozen Shield PieceInterface goldicon.png 180
Vest.png Fighting VestInterface goldicon.png 5000
Armor chainmail.png Chain MailInterface goldicon.png 1500
Ironshield.png Iron ShieldInterface goldicon.png 500
WoodenShield.png Wooden ShieldInterface goldicon.png 50