Bran Di

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Bran Di
Gender Male
Type Main Story
Location Tai Ming
Uh... whoa! Where did you come from?! Didn't I close the darn gate?

Bran Di, an NPC in Tai Ming, maintains the dam's control system. He must be spoken to in order to start the quest of The Thousand Year Ale.



Bran Di has a stocky appearance, with bright ginger hair and a green shirt.

Ghost Form

If the player returns to Tai Ming after obtaining the Twi-Sight ability, the ghost of Bran Di can be found to the east near the dam. Interacting with him will open the item box menu suggesting an item should be gifted.

"That lovely taste... I wonder if I'll ever have anything like it again."

Giving him Rum.png Aged Rum will initiate the following interaction -

"My word... that smell... is it rum?"

"This bottle must've aged for a thousand years! Just like that ale! Oh, oh! Let me have a taste!"

"Oh, the taste of paradise! Its rich complexity unravels the mysteries of the universe! It's like... like..."


Bran Di's ghost then vanishes, leaving behind the rum bottle. Picking it up gives the item Bottle.png Empty Rum Bottle.