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The current combat system is based around 3 main aspects:

  • Basic Attack - Default "X" key attack.
  • Skills - Skills are obtained through leveling up and obtaining skill points.
    • Melee - Allows the player to gain new melee skills that can be chained with the basic attack.
    • Magic - Four elements are available, each with three different spells, allowing a wide range for magic users.
      • (For more info visit the Spells section)
    • Utility - Provides a variety of buffs that players can cast, such as attack buffs, defense buffs, and magic regeneration.
  • Shield
    • The shield has a durability meter which recovers after not being hit for 2.5 seconds.
    • If the meter reaches 0 then the shield will temporarily break and will be unavailable for a certain amount of time.
    • Some enemy's have abilities capable of destroying a shield in 1 hit.
    • Have the ability to perfect guard an attack nullifying damage (Must be within 0.3 seconds of attack) and stunning the enemy.
    • Successfully having perfect guard gives your character in a Boost State for 0.5 seconds. The boosted state lets you immediately cancel the block stance into a basic attack or skill. Basic attacks will be 100% critical and attack speed to 150% for that single blow. Skills are auto charged to Silver Charge (Assuming you have enough EP and skill points spent on the skill).


(For more info visit the Weapons section)

There are currently one-handed and two-handed weapons, both of which have wand versions with a medium-range projectile. With one-handed weapons being faster and two-handed weapons having greater range and damage. With two-handed weapons also having a wider projectile from their swings.


(For more info visit the Skills section)