Cursed Priestess

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Cursed Priestess

Cursed Priestess
Level 10
Health 30000
Weakness None
Resistance None
Found in Tai Ming
Cursed priestess sprite.png


When entering Tai Ming for the first time, you were met with an old statue, that exploded and revealed the town guardian: a Cursed Priestess!

Trained since youth, priests and priestesses of old were highly adept at fighting with combat fans. After a tough struggle, it was revealed that this priestess somehow knew you?!

Tessen portrait.png

Flavor Text

An ancient protector of the town Tai Ming, cursed with eternal life.


Priestess' of this village are taught to use War Fans for combat so this is her main attack. She creates circling patterns around her with these fans as well as launching them off. She can also make a vertical or horizontal line of the fans and then launch them down; leaving a small gap to evade the attack. Her strongest attack, however, is when she creates a circle around her in fans and draws you close to her. She then moves location while randomly spawning fans. As she constantly drags the player in, the player must dodge the fans and move to the new location. It is not possible to break out of the fan ring.