Dad (Boss)

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Dad is fought at the top of the Forgotten Tower after being interrupted while summoning Zhamla Meer


The Player encounters Dad with all 5 artifacts at the Forgotten Tower. He is trying to revive Zhamla Meer from the coffin. Dad allows the Player to attack him, eventually stopping them and using Braazlet to heal to full strength. Marino then enters and challenges Dad. After proving useless at dealing damage, Marino leaves but reveals he has stolen Braazlet, meaning Dad is vulnerable

Attacks and Abilities

Each artifact allows Dad to use different abilities



Dad will indicate the direction of these lasers will a sparkly line for the path of each. The lasers will then fire, going in a clockwise loop. This attack is avoided by standing between the gaps and is easier to dodge from further away

Laser orbs

Amalet will fire out rings of red laser orbs

Seeking Projectiles

Several rings of Seeking Projectiles will appear around Dad, before converging on the Player's position one by one, much like the GUN-D4M attack

Wisp orbs

Amalet will fire out 3 orbs that are identical to the ones fired from wisps, upon being perfect guarded, they will fly into Dad and damage him



Several swirls will appear at the Player's current location before a meteor hits that location, leaving fire in the impact site. There will be a brief pause before this attack happens again. This attack is dodged by just walking

Lightning Snare

Gaan'tlet will crackle with electricity before summoning a web of elecricity around the Player than can not be escaped from. The floor of the web has lines, and the Player must stand in the gaps provided to avoid being damaged when lightning strikes the web. The walls will also deal damage.

Ice Nova

Dad will teleport onto the Player's position and a red circle will appear beneath him before he fills that area with ice. The summoning of the ice will deal damage and the floor will be slippy in that area

Ice Spikes

3 rows of Ice Spikes will erupt from the ground in the Players direction. This is avoided by moving out of the way


Dad will hover on the left side of the arena and Gaan'tlet will fly up and down the left arena wall, cause fireballs to come out and travel right. There will be a gap between these fireballs that can be stood in to avoid being hit or they can be perfect guarded

Plant attack

Gaan'tlet will glow green and vines will tunnel towards the Player. If they make contact, the Player will be trapped. 4 Plant tentacles will appear and slam down on the Player. The best way to avoid this attack is to run away from Dad as soon as Gaan'tlet glows green



Brand will dash toward the Player and then back to Dad

Spin attack

Brand will spin and circle Dad, damaging the Player if they get close. Brand will then dash toward the Player and then back to Dad before returning to its original position

Bouncing Spin

Gaan'tlet will electrify Brand, who will begin spinning around the room and bouncing off of the arena walls

Spin Dash

Brand will indicate his movement with a line and then dash to the Players position while spinning on the spot. This will happen several times and can either be perfect guarded or avoided by changing location. This attack is often used in combination with Amalet's Laser Orb attack

Fire Spin

Brand will dash to the Player while spinning, imbued with fire thanks to Gaan'tlet. Brand will stop moving for a second as a large red circle appears, after which that area will erupt in flames and fireballs will go to random points in the arena, leaving fire where they impact

Ice Spin

Brand will dash to the Player while spinning, imbued with ice thanks to Gaan'tlet. Brand will stop moving for a second as a red circle appears, after which that area will be covered in ice and 8 ice spikes will shoot out in 8 directions


Dad will teleport next to the Player, before slashing 3 times, with each slash increasing in size. This attack is either prevented through perfect guarding or by getting behind Dad

The Crown

The Crown will trigger the second phase at half health. The following changes occur:

  • The Ice Nova will fire out Ice Spikes in 8 directions
  • The Laser attack will go round 3 times and Amalet will perform the Laser Orb attack at the same time
  • The Plant Attack will summon more tentacles and a pair of Plantae Hostilis
  • The Slash will be performed twice


After his defeat, Dad will yield. In anger, Brand will teleport behind the Player and fly towards them. Dad will jump in the way and one of the following situations will occur:

  • If the Player does not have all three catalysts, Dad will be stabbed in the chest, saving the Player. A funeral will be held for Dad in Startington. Bag says he thought it wouldn't have to end this way, before looking directly at the camera, breaking the fourth wall. The credits will state "THE END?". At the end of the credits, Bishop will appear surrounded by slots for the three catalysts, with the missing catalysts not being in the slot.
  • If all three catalysts are in the Player's position, Grindea Herself will appear and take Brand. Four Bishops will appear, each taking one artifact. Grindea will take Braazlet from Marino. Bishop will say to "let the reaping begin" and all the artifacts will be slammed into the coffin before Grindea, all Bishops and Dad teleport out of the arena. The Zhamla Meer fight will now begin


  • This fight has plenty of opportunities to deal damage between attacks
  • Pay attention for the colour of Gaan'tlet to know what attack is coming next from it
    • Pay extra attention to if it turns green if playing melee, as the Plant Attack deals high damage and when close up, the colour is the only indicator you will get as the vines instantly snare the Player


  • The sky turns red in phase two
  • The Crown glows in phase two