Evil Eye

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''A terrifying monster of nightmares, with the power to imprison living things in Twilight.''


Upon entering the arena, the Player's Twi-Sight will activate, blocking the way out. Bag will tell the Player to disable it, but it cannot be. At this point, Evil Eye will appear.


The Evil Eye was a mystical creature you encountered on The Lost Ship

It didn't seem to be a result if trapped spirits from the living world, but rather something that had broken through from the Other Side! It had the power to pull you into the Twilight and keep you there.

... can this truly be the work of the artifact?



Evil eye
Level 25
Health 100000
Found in The Lost Ship

Attacks and Abilities

Throughout the fight, Evil Eye will spawn Eyes on the floor. The more of the Eyes, the less the player can see, and so they must kill them throughout the fight. These eyes will still be visible no matter how blind the Player is, as will all lasers.

Phase One


Evil Eye will aim a laser at the Player and the medium sized eyes will fire lasers in fixed directions. This will repeat multiple times. This sequence will finish with evil eye firing a giant laser down the middle of the arena before the entire screen, bar 2 square gaps, filling with lasers. The player must move to avoid lasers and position themselves in gaps to avoid being hit.

Exploding Eyes

Eyes will begin falling from the wall and bounding down the arena, before coming to a halt. These eyes will glow red and a red circle will appear around them before they explode. To counter this, the Player can stand on the bottom of the arena and hit the eyes so that they bounce away.

Coloured Lasers

Evil Eye's pupil will split into 3 of 4 different coloured circles:

  • Blue with a cross
  • Red with a circle
  • Yellow with a minus
  • Green with a plus

4 large eyes will appear on the top wall of the arena, each having a different coloured pupil. The 3 eyes that have the same pupil as Evil Eye will fire a laser, while the one with the pupil that isn't there will not. To avoid the attack, the player must stand in the path of the eye whos pupil doesn't appear on Evil Eye. Pausing can help during this attack to figure out the missing colour.

(eg. Evil Eye shows a green, blue and yellow pupil. As red is missing, the eye with the red pupil is safe, and should be stood under)

Later in the fight, 2 sets of eyes will appear on the top and sides of the arena, meaning the Player must position themselves between 2 different eyes, however the attack is fundamentally the same.]

Sweeping Laser

Evil Eye will fire a laser beam at either the top left or top right of the arena, which will sweep across the entire arena and spawn a maze of fire in its path. This laser can be avoided by standing in the opposite side of the arena (if the laser starts in the top left, stand in the top right). The laser will sweep across 3 times, the next beginning where the last ended, so the Player must navigate through the fire maze in order to get to the other side before the laser hits them.

Phase Two

Evil eye will eventually pop out of the wall. The previously mentioned attacks will either become severely weakened or non existant, hoever there are several changes and additional attacks.

  • Evil Eye can spin around the arena, bouncing off the walls and dealing physical damage
  • Evil Eye can bounce in place and fire lasers directly at the Player
  • Evil Eye can go to the middle of the arena and begin spinning, firing lasers in random directions (this will result in it becoming dazed). He is invulnerable during this attack

What this means is that the Player now needs to deal with attacks from both phases happening at the same time.


  • Focus on killing of the blinding eyes when you get a chance
  • Focus on dodging, attacking the blinding eyes or Evil Eye when there is a pause in its attacks
  • Having the Blink spell will be extremely useful for dodging both the Sweeping Laser and Coloured Laser