Evolution of Faith

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Book Cover.

Evolution of Faith is a book found in Evergrind City's library.


When asked about religion, people in modern times will think of old statues, obscure teachings, and a collection of fairy tales. But it was not always so.

There used to be a time where the vast majority of Grindea's population firmly believed in the Goddess, and hundreds of believers paid respect at her shrines and chapels every day.

I'm sure most of you have heard of the old Collector motto "For Grindea's Glory We Collect". Today, we naturally think about Grindea the continent, but it's clear that early variations of that line referred to the Goddess herself! Indeed, the Collectors used to be a distinctly religious organization - as odd as that seems in a modern context.

Over the centuries following the Cataclysm, religion was slowly untangled from government as civilization evolved and the religious myths became less and less pertinent to people's lives.

In 896 AC, the Evergrind Chapel closed and made way for a school. As of writing, the only religious building still standing is the chapel in Port Monnaie, and even that is mostly a tourist attraction.

While religion was a vital comfort during the dark ages, it really does feel like it has played its part. From now on, humanity will journey forward with science as our sails!

by Abori N.G. Mann


This book can be found in Evergrind City's library.