In The Ruins of a Dream

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In The Ruins of a Dream is a book found in Evergrind City's library.


Last year I, Tink Tumush, celebrated my 50th birthday (may the Goddess have mercy).

Ten years ago, when I was 41 years old, I received the Jonathan Coke Medal of Mind. The greatest accolade a philosopher could get - and at such a tender age (ha-ha)!

For months I walked on clouds. My ultimate dream had finally been realized! I was complete! Finished! Done!

Do you see the double meaning of those words? I did, a few years later. In becoming a reality, my dream had died. My dream, to which I had woken up for twenty years. My dream, to which I had fallen asleep for just as long.

This last decade I have done nothing but grow older. Without a shiny medal hanging on a stick before me, my mind has refused to work!

Read this and take heed, young people of the world. Don't race to the finish! Living the dream is keeping the dream alive!

By philosopher Tink Tumush
Written 822 AC


This book can be found in Evergrind City's library.