
From Secrets of Grindea Wiki
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Gender Male
Type Vendor
Location Port Monnaie
I was a bit nervous when I heard someone was coming here to open a "Pot Shop". Luckily, it was a different kind of pot to the ones I'm selling!

Jarjar is a vendor that can be found in the upper east side of Port Monnaie. He sells Furniture at his stall `Jarjar's JARS`.


Jarjar's JARS
LargeBeigeJar.png Large Beige JarInterface goldicon.png 6000
LargeBlueJar.png Large Blue JarInterface goldicon.png 10000
LargeBrownJar.png Large Brown JarInterface goldicon.png 10000
LargeGrayJar.png Large Gray JarInterface goldicon.png 4000
LargeGreenJar.png Large Green JarInterface goldicon.png 8000