Luke (Boss)

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Luke Portrait.webp


Luke is the final Boss in the Lost Ship. Under the influence of Braazlet, he will challenge the Player to a duel.


After Captain Bones begrudgingly allows the Player onto the top deck, they will encounter Luke standing toward the bow. Luke as lost his teleporter and is stuck on the boat, and shows Bag Braazlet on his wrist after being offered a teleporter for an Artifact. However, Luke claims to have become "buddies" with Braazlet, despite Bag informing him it is controlling him, and that she is the only family his has. When Bag threatens to take it by force, Luke agrees as he has been wishing to duel the Player ever since they became collectors.

Attacks and abilities

Luke will use the following attacks in his first phase:

Standard attack

Luke will run directly to the Player or charge at high speed, stop and swing his Great Axe. The attack can be easily dodged by moving away from Luke.

Heroic Slam

Luke will jump to the Player's position and slam his Axe into the ground, creating a cone of circles in the direction he is facing. These circles will explode after a short time and damage the Player if they are on top of the circle. The jump can be avoided by moving while the player can either move behind Luke to avoid the circles or move in between them to avoid being hit.

In another variation of this attack, Luke will slam his Axe down on the spot he is standing and fill the deck with the same circles from the Axe Jump attack. This can be avoided by standing in the space between the circles.

Another variation sees him perform two slams on his position, with the second facing the opposite direction to the first, and creating two cones of circles. This can be avoided in the same way as the first variation.


Luke will indicate this attack by drawing a dotted line toward the player before spinning in that direction. He will spin toward it with his Axe, creating a large circle that will cause damage. This attack can be easily avoided by moving after the indication (either visually or by the sound it makes).

Another variation of this attack consists of him going to the right side of the area and indicating his path with a sine wave. He will follow this path while spinning, heading left. The variations include:

  • Starting from the middle, going down, up and down to end in the bottom left of the arena
  • Starting from the middle, going up, down and up to end in the top left of the arena

In this variation, Luke can trail fire behind him and strike down lighting across the arena. He can do 1 of these, both or neither. To dodge, the Player must pay attention to the indicator and move to a safe space while dodging any lighting that appears. The Blink skill will allow the Player to cross the fire safely if it appears and quickly get to a safe space.

Smash Balls

Luke will indicate this attack with the same sound as the spin attack and draw several lines in multiple directions. He will immediately summon Smash Balls and hit them at the same time with each one going in the direction of the corresponding line. This attack can either be perfect guarded or reflet the projectile and deal damage or avoided with a very quick movement or shield. Sometimes Luke will tire out for a moment after this attack, providing an opportunity to damage him or drink a potion.

Another variation will see him go to the centre of the arena and wait longer to actually fire the Smash Balls, providing more time to move out of the way. He will summon lighting in this variation, covering the whole screen, which must be avoided.

Another variation of this attack is Luke heading all the way to the right of the arena and indication the Smash Balls in a cone pattern from there. He will perform several sets of Smash Balls which can be avoided or perfect guarded.

Titan's throw

Luke will mark the position of his throw with a red circle that has a dot inside before throwing his Axe, which will return to him later. He can perform the Smash Ball attack even without his Axe and sometimes Smash Balls will be fired from the Axe up impact.

Second phase

Upon defeat, Luke will fall the the floor and a cutseen will begin in which Luke will heal by 68333 HP and claim to be "just getting started". The reason he is alive is due to Braazlet. He will use the Berzerker Style ability before continuing to attack. He is faster, attacks faster, have longer lasting cycles between breaks, takes more damage and deals more damage.

  • His normal attack can consist of multiple slashes instead of just one
  • His Whirlslash can trail fire
  • His centre Smash Ball attack can trail fire behind each Smash Ball


A cutseen will begin and Luke will head to the most right part of the arena. Bag tells him that he is only alive because of Braazlet. When Luke counters this by saying Braazlet does nothing, she angrily tells him that without her on his wrist, he would be dead and he can't lose. Upon hearing this, Luke declares himself a cheater (despite being told by Braazlet, he is to stupid to realise what she meant).

At this point, Luke removes Braazlet and casts her across the arena and runs toward the player with his Axe for a fair duel. He makes two swings and collapses, the Player rushing toward him. After commenting on his love for the battle, he falls dead, the remainder of his cracked life bar falling apart and off the screen. The sky darkens and bag remarks that although he has seen thousands of humans die in his time, finishing with "and yet-" before being interrupted by Braazlet falling back onto the deck after she was thrown.

Braazlet states that she can keep people from dying but not revive them. She begins to mock Luke but is snared by Bag and slammed into the decking multiple times. The Player grabs her and goes to throw her off the ship but Bag stops them, saying she will wash up 1000 years later and be picked up again. Bag states that he was wrong about the artifacts and that there is only "death and madness". He states that the artifacts must be brought together and destroyed. The Player can now return to Evergrind, leaving Luke's corpse upon the decking.


  • The Attacks and abilities section has details on avoiding each specific attack.
  • A majority of the attacks can cause Luke to either lodge his Axe into the ground, which he will take time to bring out; or pause for a moment and laugh before continuing the attack. This is the best time to attack or heal.
    • Focus on dodging until this break period
    • This break period is short, about enough time to heal or cast 1 or 2 fully charged skills depending on how quick your reaction time is


  • Luke wields a Great Axe, an unimplemented 2 handed weapon.
  • His attacks are modified versions of those that can be utilised by a Player holding a 2-handed weapon, much like how Marino uses those used by a 1-handed weapon
  • Luke's lightning is reminiscent of that used by Zhamla Meer in Tai Ming, possibly suggesting that Braazlet (who is also worn by Zhamla) is the reason for this power.
    • The fire trails are similar to that summoned by Zhamla as he dashed toward the player in the imprisonment cutseen in Tai Ming, only green in colour.