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Memorir is a sentient mirror in the Forgotten Tower. Upon being touched by the Player, the tower's elevator will appear and Memorir will awaken.


Shadow Giga Slime

Memorir will expand the elevator into an arena and summon the Shadow Giga Slime, a buffed version of the Furious Giga Slime

  • The hammer attack will summon spikes in the 4 cardinal directions
  • The summoned slimes can slam into the ground and cause spikes to appear in 8 different directions
  • The Shadow Giga Slime can jump into the air and slam down, teleporting to different points in the arena and slamming down, summoning spikes in the cardinal directions. The impact sites are indicated with red circles

Upon defeat, the Shadow Giga Slime will shatter into shards of glass and Memorir will summon the next challenge


The season will change to Autumn and the Terrorweed will spawn. This fight is pretty much identical to the Terrorweed fight in arcade mode.

Phaseman and GUN-D4M

A pair of Phasemen will appear, performing some attacks before being destroyed by an advanced version of GUN-D4M. This version has 4 Giant Hands, two of which sit by the side of the arena and 2 in the normal position

  • The rocket barrage is the same
  • The hands in the normal position will perform the same punch as they do in the first fight
  • The side hands can perform the following
    • A Finger Gun attack, indicated by a red line (like Marino in the Dragonbone Dunes) before firing. This is avoided by moving veritcally
    • A slam, where the fist moves over the Player and slams down, causing lasers (like Sol-Gem's) to fire out in 8 directions. Move away from the fist as it slams and make sure you aren't going in one of the 8 compass directions. After the slam, the fist will speed back to its original position, dealing damage on the way
  • The bullet hell phase is identical to the original
  • GUN-D4M will still divide the arena with its chest laser
  • In the final bullet hell, the 2 side fists will slam along the arena, sending out lasers. After doing so, that fist will be destroyed


There will be 3 puzzles the Player must solve. The goal is to destroy the mirror cube

Left Puzzle

This is a Phaze Trick puzzle using the Twi-Sight

Top Puzzle

This is a puzzle using time warps

Right Puzzle

This is a block pushing puzzle.

The Season's Hydra

After completing the puzzles, going on the elevator again will start dialogue with Memorir, in which it will stop using rhymes and reveal it was sleeping on the job. After being called a fool by Bag, Memorir will summon the most annoying fight it can think of, the Season's Hydra.

  • This fight is almost identical to the original, but also includes the Spring Hydra, which will summon spores that become brambles
  • This fight can essentially be cheesed by staying in winter, perfect guarding the head slams and using Blink to avoid the Ice Beam

The Army

This is a survival challenge in which Memorir will summon various enemies which will self destruct after time

  • Power Flower is first and will permanently be in the laser phase, with 3 beams
  • Phase One Mimic will appear and stomp around the arena, summoning lasers
  • Mimic will disappear along wit the top extension of the arena
  • Cursed Priestess will appear and fire wind fans across the arena
  • Cursed Priestess will disappear along with the bottom extension of the arena
  • The Black Ferrets will appear on floating platforms, with Vilya on the top and Freddy and Teddy on the sides. Freddy and Teddy will throw their swords according to Vilya's commands
  • The Power Flower and Black Ferrets will all shatter into glass shards


Memorir will comment on the "insane battle and broken heart". The music will cut, and Friends to the End will play when Luke comes out of Memorir. Luke will brandish his axe and throw it into Memorir, with his mirror creation mirroring his good traits. Luke will salute the Player and then shatter. Memorir will then give up and leave the Player.


  • Memorir is a security system for the tower
  • Until the Season's Hydra fight, Memorir will talk in rhymes
    • This is a reference to Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, in which the mirror is spoken to in rhymes