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Location Evergrind City
I'm reading this book about society in the Old World. We know so little of that time. I wonder how much knowledge has been lost?

Miranda is a collector who's interested in books about the Old World. Initially she's sitting on the stairs of the Collectors Headquarters, but when the library opens she'll move there. She seems to be interested in conspiracy theories regarding The Cataclysm.


On the stairs:
"I'm reading this book about society in the Old World.
We know so little of that time. I wonder how much knowledge has been lost?

In the library:
There are so many conspiracy theories regarding The Cataclysm that it's impossible to separate truth from fiction!
Whatever it was, it's estimated that eighty percent of the population died about 1000 years ago. That's crazy!
Some say it was caused by a great famine, while others suspect natural disasters, like floods or meteor strikes.
A few scholars even believe that The Cataclysm was some kind of monster. Like a dragon or something, I guess?
There are very few authentic texts left from that time, and from what I understand all theories have some support.
History is both exciting and frustrating, isn't it?"