On Twilight

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On Twilight is a book found in Evergrind City's library.


Novices in the field of Spectral Science are often confused about the true nature of Twilight. Good! When something is so etheral and vaguely understood, confusion is a perfectly adequate reaction!

That said, sometimes people get a bit too confused. The reigning theories are there because the math works out, and some ideas are more probable than others!

So: is the Twilight from whence spooky things come?

As it turns out: probably not! The Twilight is a space where ghosts can exist inside our world. It's where our dimension intersects with the Ectoplane, which is the true source of all the wonderful ghastliness.

Now what is the Ectoplane, then? For that there is not even equations, so we have only our creative minds to guide us!

The philosopher Reno DeCart believed it to be an infinite, abstract space where human consciousness forms, changes, and eventually disappears - then forms again as something new.

He theorized that ghosts are made of minds that escaped this cycle, ending up in the material world.

Conversely, the physicist Lisa Mitner speculates that the Ectoplane is simply a vast, singular ocean of ectoplasm.

She believes that when in its absolutely pure form, ectoplasm resonates with emotions - and that metachemical reaction is what coerces it into the Twilight, where it's introduced to our world's concept of form.

So, my dear students: what do you believe?

written by Dr. Spengler


This book can be found in Evergrind City's library.


  • The names of the characters in the book relate to people in real life:
    • Reno DeCart refers to René Descartes, a French philosopher, scientist, and mathematician, widely considered a seminal figure in the emergence of modern philosophy and science.
    • Lisa Mitner refers to Lise Meitner, an Austrian-Swedish physicist who was one of those responsible for the discovery of the element protactinium and nuclear fission.