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Gender Female
Type Vendor
Location Port Monnaie
I love smithing, but... I'm also really sensitive to banging noises, and am deathly afraid of sparks!

Pommel is a vendor that can be found in the upper east side of Port Monnaie. She sells weapons at her stall `Blade and Arms`.


Blade and Arms
1h mace.png MaceInterface goldicon.png 7000
1h rodblue.png Warlock ScepterInterface goldicon.png 7000
1h rodruby.png Ruby RodInterface goldicon.png 2000
Curvedspear.png Curved SpearInterface goldicon.png 7000
2h broadsword.png BroadswordInterface goldicon.png 4000
Scimitar.png ScimitarInterface goldicon.png 4000
Shortsword.png Squire's SwordInterface goldicon.png 200