Scroll Quality

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Scroll Quality is a book found in Evergrind City's library.


I'm not good at writing but I do love scrolls. Papyrus is very nice, but not cheap and a bit stiff. Paper is cheap but boring.

Animal skin is sturdy but I don't like to kill animals. But I like sturdy scrolls. I wish I could have sturdy scrolls without killing animals.

My sturdiest non-animal kill scroll was a mix of paper and papyrus and a slime mix as glue and it became super strong. Problem is I couldn't open it.

I was so sad and ashamed so I buried the scroll. It was a very sturdy scroll though. So I kept a map to it in case I wanted to dig it up and look at it again. It's too bad it was too stiff. But it was sturdy.

written by Ugra


This book can be found in Evergrind City's library.