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Sol-Gem Portrait.webp


Sol-Gem is a boss fought toward the end of the quest "A Fair Price". After grabbing the Gem and running from the boulder trap, interacting with the Gem on the floor will cause a hand made of sand to pop up and drag it underground. Sol-Gem will now appear and the fight will begin. Any damage taken form the boulder will be healed for this fight.

Attacks and abilities

Sol-Gem move around by either walking or tunnelling just like the standard Solem enemy in the Dragonbone Dunes.

Basic attack

Sol-Gem will tunnel toward the player and slam his fists into the ground just like the normal Solem. This atttack will be repeated 3 times in succession and can beat easily avoided by circling Sol-Gem or running.


This attack is very similar to the normal laser by the Solem, except multiple lasers will be aimed at multiple points in the room along with one tracking the Player. After a brief charge up time, the lasers will all attempt to converge on the player. The duration of the lasers is much shorter than the default Solem's. This attack can be easily avoided by just running, though one must take care not to run into a converging laser.

Ultra laser

Sol-Gem will burrow to the top centre of the arena, slam its fists twice and charge its laser. A slab of rock will fall form the ceiling before the laser sweeps across the arena, destroying the boulder. To avoid this attack the Player needs to stand behind the slab, putting it between them and the boss. The laser will sweep across multiple times, with a new slab falling for each. The slabs will get smaller with each sweep (though the size resets for the next cycle). The rocks can cause a little bit of damage when they fall, but this is of little concern compared to the main attack.

It appears that Sol-Gem will sweep the laser more times during this attack as its health gets lower.

Side smash

Sol-Gem will burrow to either the top right or top left corner of the arena where it will slam its fists multiple times. With each slam, laser waves will be shot out and sweep across the arena. There will be 2 gaps in this wave, which the Player can stand in to prevent themselves taking damage. This attack is easier to dodge at far distance due to the space being bigger, so it is recommended to head to the opposite side of the arena to Sol-Gem.

It appears that Sol-Gem will slam its fists more times during this attack as its health gets lower.


  • This boss is actually somewhat easy to dodge, especially with the Blink ability, however the damage dealt is rather high
  • The safest time to attack is just after the basic attack, unless you have a Skill such as Fireball that will allow it to be hit from a distance
  • Take caution if playing as melee, as Sol-Gem's windup for its basic attack is rather quick and can be done right after having done one


  • Sol-Gem may just be a normal Solem that has been buffed by the Gem, which replaces its eye