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Titan's Throw.png
Titan's Throw
Charge Time: 25
EP Cost: 25 / 30 / 40 / 55 EP
SkillDetail LongRange.png
SkillDetail Targeted.png
SkillDetail HighSkill.png
Base Charge

Throw your weapon in a straight line to damage any enemies between you and the target. The further the weapon travels, the more damaging it becomes! After throwing your weapon, it will stick to the ground, and you won't be able to use it again until you've picked it up. By holding the spell button, you can make the weapon return after a short delay.

Picking the weapon up will refund 50 % of the used EP, and also deal AoE damage around the player. The damage of the AoE is based on how far the weapon traveled!

Bronze Charge
Slightly increased damage.
Silver Charge

In addition to increased range and damage, the weapon will also cause an explosion at the point of impact, dealing significant bonus damage to enemies caught.

Recalling the weapon by pressing the spell button again is now much quicker, while the spin attack when picking the weapon up has increased range.

Gold Charge

The weapon can now be instantly called back by tapping the skill button again. On its return trip, it deals damage similar to when thrown, meaning the damage bonus from a far reaching throw will remain.

The attack when picking the weapon up now has great range.

|icon = Titan's Throw.png
|name = Titan's Throw
|chargespeed = 25
|cost = 25 / 30 / 40 / 55 EP
|detailone = SkillDetail LongRange.png
|detailtwo = SkillDetail Targeted.png
|detailthree = SkillDetail HighSkill.png
|basetext = <p>Throw your weapon in a straight line to damage any enemies between you and the target. The further the weapon travels, the more damaging it becomes! After throwing your weapon, it will stick to the ground, and you won't be able to use it again until you've picked it up. By holding the spell button, you can make the weapon return after a short delay.</p>

<p>Picking the weapon up will refund 50 % of the used EP, and also deal AoE damage around the player. The damage of the AoE is based on how far the weapon traveled!</p>
|bronzetext = Slightly increased damage.
|silvertext = <p>In addition to increased range and damage, the weapon will also cause an explosion at the point of impact, dealing significant bonus damage to enemies caught.</p>
<p>Recalling the weapon by pressing the spell button again is now much quicker, while the spin attack when picking the weapon up has increased range.</p>
|goldtext = <p>The weapon can now be instantly called back by tapping the skill button again. On its return trip, it deals damage similar to when thrown, meaning the damage bonus from a far reaching throw will remain.</p>

<p>The attack when picking the weapon up now has great range.</p>