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Talents are passive skills that enhance the player's actions at all times. Currently, there are 27 General, 15 Melee, and 15 Magic Talents, adding up to a total of 57 Talents to choose from.

There are three classes of talents:

  • General Talents that affect general stats and abilities
  • Melee Talents that focus around Basic Attacks and Melee skills
  • Magic Talents that focus around Wand Projectiles and Magic skills


A Talent Orb

Obtaining and levelling up Talents is done similarly to normal skills, with the exception that Talent Orbs are used instead. There are multiple ways to get Talent Orbs:

  • One Talent Orb is gained per level up
  • Some quests, such as Candy's quest in the Pumpkin Woods, award one Talent Orb upon completion
  • Arcade Mode Grindea Statues have a chance to award three Talent Orbs
  • Arcade Mode Talent Loods award one Talent Orb if defeated, upon room completion
  • The Extra Points Sticky Pin grants 2 Talent Orbs, in addition to 2 Silver Points and 2 Gold Points


General Talents

List of General Talents
Icon Levels Name Description
General adaptable.png 5 Adaptable Increase ATK and MATK by 1% per Talent Level
General tenacious.png 5 Tenacious Increases MaxHP by 2% per Talent Level
General healthinsurance.png 3 Health Insurance The HP Gain from picking up Health Orbs is increased by 10% per talent Level
General endurance.png 5 Endurance Increases MaxEP by 3 per Talent Level
General metabolism.png 5 Metabolism Increases your EP Regen by 4 per Talent Level
General surgeon.png 5 Surgeon Increases Crit Chance by 3% per Talent Level
General brutality.png 3 Brutality Increases the Critical Hit bonus damage by 10% per Talent Level
General utilityflow.png 3 Utility Flow For every Utility spell cast in a row (no attacks), the EP cost decreases by 5% per Talent Level. Stacks 3 times.
General gotyoucovered.png 5 Got You Covered Increases the duration of buffs from the Utility page by 1 second per talent level
General laststand.png 3 Last Stand When your HP is under 20%, your DEF increases by 20% per Talent Level
General steadydefense.png 3 Steady Defense Every 40 DEF (-10 per extra Talent LV) increases resistance to being knocked out of skill charges
General ladyluck.png 5 Lady Luck Gain a 2% chance per Talent Level of dodging an attack that would otherwise hit
General quickshot.png 3 Quickshot Increases your draw speed with the bow by 20% per Talent Level
General arrowscavenger.png 3 Ammo Scavenger Adds 10% per Talent Level to the chance of finding an arrow when defeating an enemy
General multitask.png 5 Multitasking Increases movement speed when charging skills or spells by 8% per Talent Level
General shieldbearer.png 3 Shield Bearer Increases movement speed when shielding by 10% per Talent Level
General kineticenergy.png 3 Kinetic Energy Blocking an attack with your shield gives you 3 EP per Talent Level
General efficientcounter.png 3 Efficient Counter After a successful perfect guard, the next skill or spell will cost 15% less EP per Talent Level
General quickreflex.png 3 Quick Reflexes Increases the Perfect Guard activation window by 20% per Talent Level
General finetaste.png 3 Fine Taste Increases the bonus effects of potions by 12% per Talent Level
General alchemist.png 5 Alchemist Increases the rate at which your potions refill by 5% per Talent Level

Melee Talents

List of Melee Talents
Icon Levels Name Description
Melee strength.png 5 Strength Increases ATK by 2% per Talent Level
Melee fencer.png 5 Fencer Increases ASPD by 2 per Talent Level
Melee brawler.png 5 Brawler Landing a Normal Attack buffs your DEF by 5% per Talent Level. The buff lasts 3 seconds
Melee burningweapon.png 3 Burning Weapon Each Normal Attack has a 5% chance (per Talent Level) to Burn enemies for 100% of your MATK
Melee chillytouch.png 3 Chilling Touch Each Normal Attack has a 5% chance (per Talent Level) to Chill + Slow (0,2%) enemies for 3 seconds
Melee secondbreath.png 5 Second Wind Recover 1 EP per Talent Level every other 1H Basic Attack, or every 2H Basic Attack
Melee knowledgeispower.png 5 Knowledge is Power Increases your ATK by 5% (per Talent Level) of your MATK
Melee wit.png 3 Wit After using a Melee Skill, the next Magic Spell will charge up 20% faster per Talent Level.
Melee lastbreath.png 3 Last Breath When your HP is under 20%, your ATK increases by 10% per Talent Level
Melee backhanded.png 3 Backhander When chaining Normal Attacks, every other strike gets a damage boost of 10% per Talent Level
Melee insultinjury.png 3 Insult to Injury Increases melee damage dealt to target with debuffs (Burn, Chill, Slow etc) by 10% per Talent Level
Melee bloodthirst.png 3 Bloodthirst For 3 seconds after killing an enemy, your ASPD is increased by 10 per Talent Level
Melee combostarter.png 3 Combo Starter If a basic attack hits, for 2 seconds Crit with melee skills is increased by 10 per Talent Level
Melee suddenstrike.png 3 Sudden Strike If you don't use basic attacks for 2 seconds, the next one will gain 20% more speed and damage per Talent Level
Melee riposte.png 3 Riposte Perfect Guarding a melee attack will damage the attacker by 25% of your ATK per Talent Level

Magic Talents

List of Magic Talents
Icon Levels Name Description
Magic intelligence.png 5 Intelligence Increases MATK by 2% per Talent Level
Magic fasttalker.png 5 Fast Talker Increases CSPD by 2 per Talent Level
Magic arcanecharge.png 3 Arcane Charge After using a magic spell, your next Normal Attack gains [15% * spell charge] damage per Talent Level
Magic prismatic.png 5 Prismatic After casting a magic spell, using a spell of another element costs 7% less EP per Talent Level
Magic battlemage.png 5 Battle Mage After casting a magic spell, using a melee skill costs 10% less EP per Talent Level
Magic concentration.png 3 Concentration Increases resistance to being interrupted during the charging of a magic spell
Magic turtle.png 5 Turtle While charging a magic spell, your DEF is increased by 10% per Talent Level
Magic soulsiphon.png 3 Soul Eater For each enemy hit by a wand projectile, you recover 1 EP per Talent Level
Magic specialist.png 5 Elemental Specialist Increases spell damage by 0.15% (per Talent Level) for every skill point spent on the same element
Magic lastspark.png 3 Last Spark When your HP is under 20%, your MATK increases by 10% per Talent Level
Magic wandmaster.png 3 Wand Master Increases the damage dealt by your wand projectiles by 15% per Talent Level
Magic arcanecollar.png 5 Arcane Collar Decreases the EP cost of summons by 4% per Talent Level
Magic cripplingblast.png 5 Crippling Blast Increases the chance of applying magical debuff effects (Burn/Chill/etc) by 8% per Talent Level
Magic manaburn.png 3 Manaburn When your EP is below 50%, you gain 10% MATK per Talent Level
Magic snapcast.png 3 Snap Cast Casting a spell directly after a Perfect Guard will briefly increase MATK by 10% per Talent Level