Pumpkin Woods

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Pumpkin Woods

Upon entering the Pumpkin Woods for the first time one quickly realizes that this is a very eerie place. There rests a curse over these woods that hinders travelers from leaving these woods to the east. In order to continue further one has to first lift the curse of the Pumpkin Woods by completing a quest.


PumpkinWoods west-50.pngEvergrind Fields:South1Pumpkin Woods:East2Cave3Candy the witch4Fishing Location5
Locations (Pumpkin Woods West)
1: Evergrind Fields:South 2: Pumpkin Woods:East
3: Cave 4: Candy the witch 5: Fishing Location

PumpkinWoods east-50.pngPumpkin Woods:West1Ancient Temple (Flying Fortress)2Bishop3Scarie the Scarecrow4Trick & Treat5
Locations (Pumpkin Woods East)
1: Pumpkin Woods:West 2: Ancient Temple (Flying Fortress)
3: Bishop 4: Scarie the Scarecrow 5: Trick & Treat




Enemies Encountered
