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Living scarecrows have plagued Pumpkin Woods since as long as anyone can remember. They enjoy spending their day trying to scare off birds and any traveller who dare come near.

They're extremely sturdy so it may be hard to defeat them, but thankfully their attacks are somewhat slow in return.

Scarecrows are enemies encountered in Pumpkin Woods. They are similar in nature to Jumpkins, however are more durable and attack from standstill.



Scarecrows move to the nearest player by jumping towards their position. Scarecrows move faster on Hard difficulty, and Elite Scarecrows move faster than regular ones on average.


If a player is in range, Scarecrows lunge at them, dealing ATK damage. This can damage pets and players if they happen to be in front of the monster, even if they're not explicitly targeted. The attack can be shielded, but the Scarecrow is not affected in any way from doing so.


  • Scarecrow attacks can be interrupted by attacks with high Breaking Power - this includes melee attacks and skills after a Perfect Guard, and some skills such as Heroic Slam
