Heroic Slam

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Heroic Slam is a high damage two-handed weapon skill. Your character will jump a short distance and slam their weapon into the ground, dealing heavy damage to all enemies hit.


IngamePreview Slam.png
Heroic Slam.png
Heroic Slam
Charge Time: 15 (Very Short)
EP Cost: 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 EP
SkillDetail HighDMG.png
SkillDetail FastCharge.png
Base Charge

You make a forward leap and smash your enemies with your two handed weapon, dealing great damage and knockback.

Bronze Charge
The attack is quicker and deals slightly more damage and knockback.
Silver Charge

Adds an extra hit at the beginning of the attack, dealing bonus damage and setting the enemy up for the main strike.

Gold Charge

Unleash a huge combo, dealing massive damage and interrupting anything that's not completely uninterruptable.

Performance for Max Level

For Level 10 Heroic Slam, performance is as follows:

  • Base, Bronze and Silver Charge act as if you have +30 Bonus ATK
  • Total Damage based on ATK (if all hits land):
    • Base: 309.75%
    • Bronze: 433.65%
    • Silver: 745.75%
    • Gold: 1368.75%


Heroic Slam deals 1 / 1 / 2 / 6 hits in a quick succession, depending on Charge Level. Critical Hits are rolled for each instance of damage.


The skill scales based on ATK, and the Charge Multipliers for each level are as follows:

  • Base: 210%
  • Bronze: 294%
  • Silver: 185% (first hit)
  • Gold: 165% (first hit)

The Weapon Multiplier used is the same for all 2H weapons and equal to 125%.

Base and Bronze Charge

The skill’s Damage for Base and Bronze Charge is calculated as follows:

Damage = (ATK + 3 * Skill Level) * Charge Multiplier * Weapon Multiplier (125%) * (1 + 0.02 * (Skill Level - 1))

Silver Charge

The skill’s Base Damage for Silver Charge is calculated as 100% of ATK + 3 * Skill Level.

The first hit deals Base Damage * Charge Multiplier * Weapon Multiplier * (1 + 0.02 * (Skill Level - 1)) damage.

The second hit deals slightly increased damage, equal to First Hit Damage + 200% Base Damage.

Gold Charge

For Gold Charge, the Base Damage is calculated as 75% * ATK. Afterwards, each hit deals increasing damage based on Base Damage:

  • First: 165%
  • Second: 230%
  • Third: 295%
  • Fourth: 325%
  • Fifth: 355%
  • Sixth: 455%

If all instances hit their target, a total 1825% multiplier is achieved.

Unlike the previous Charge Levels, Skill Level doesn't add any extra flat damage or multiplier.

Breaking Power

Base, Bronze, and Silver Heroic Slam has a breaking power of 6. This means that Slam will interrupt most enemies, with some exceptions such as Elite Brawler Bots.

For Gold Charge, the final hit has 6 breaking power, while all other hits have 4.

If Heroic Slam is cast after a Perfect Guard, all its hits will have their breaking power increased to 9 for that cast, interrupting everything except uninterruptible enemies.


  • Base and Bronze Charge's damage instances are delayed compared to the cast point. Take care not to miss your attack, or get hit in the process
  • Silver Charge and above deal damage almost instantly after the cast point. You can reliably counter enemy attacks with Slam's breaking power that way, especially if you benefit from Perfect Guard interrupts
  • Each of Slam's damage instances roll separately for Critical Hits. This means that it's likely to score at least a single Critical Hit per cast if you have 20% Critical Chance or above, making Magicbattery.png Magic Battery extremely useful

Skill Navigation
Melee Skills
Piersing dash.png
Blade flurry.png
Spirit slash.png
Shadow clone.png
Dodging strike.png
Heroic Slam.png
Titan's Throw.png
Berserker style.png
Magic Spells
Flame Thrower.png
Ice spikes.png
Ice nova.png
Frosty Friend.png
Earht spike.png
Summon plant.png
Insect swarm.png
Chain lightning.png
Cloud strike.png
Static touch.png
Utility Spells
Reaper's blade.png