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Smash! is a two-handed weapon Skill, which initially seems like a heavier hitting basic attack. However, from Bronze Charge and above it spawns orbs. Hitting one of these orbs with any rank of Smash! will send the orb flying dealing damage to enemies in its path and bouncing off of walls before coming to a stop. Orbs must be hit with Smash! 3 times before they will explode. Basic attacks can move the orbs, but not send them flying or count towards the explosion progress.

You are unable to spawn addition orbs once you reach your cap unless an older orb explodes from being hit, or is far enough away to be replaced (Seems to be about half a screen width, maybe less vertically). However, if you have say Gold Charge unlocked, you do not have to charge all the way up to gold to get your 3rd orb, all orbs can be spawned with a bronze charge.



Charge Description Level Required Damage Mana Required

A simple heavy swing

Will send the orbs flying if a higher charge level has been reached previous to allow it them spawn

0 ? 20
Charge bronze.png

Allows for 1 orb

1 ? 22
Charge silver.png
Allows for 2 orbs 5 ? 25
Charge gold.png

Allows for 3 orbs

Hitting orbs with this rank will count as 2 hits, setting them 1 from explosion

? ? 30