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Whenever your character levels up you will receive a silver skill point, and a gold skill point at level 7 and every third level after.

Crystal silver.png
Crystal gold.png
A Silver Skill Crystal A Gold Skill Crystal

There are three main schools of skills, all of which have several sub-categories.

  • Melee Skills - Melee Skills focus around close combat fighting. Skills in Melee sub-categories fully depend on the player equipping a certain kind of weapon to work.
    • One Handed - Skills that require a one handed weapon to work.
    • Two Handed - Skills that require a two handed weapon to work.
  • Magic Skills - Magic Skills focus around damage dealing Magical abilities.
    • Fire - Mainly contains spells with heavy focus on high damage output.
    • Ice - Mainly contains spells with focus on crowd control and utility.
    • Earth - Mainly contains spells with focus on damage over time and traps.
    • Air - Contains spells with no real focus.
  • Utility Skills - Utility Skills focus around buffing player stats and has some combat useful abilities. These abilities only have 3 levels per spell.
    • Defensive - Contains spells to help protect players and the caster.
    • Offensive - Helpful for providing addititional damage to enemies and crowd control.
    • Enhancing- These skills will buff player stats for a short while.

Melee Skills

One Handed

Icon Name Description
Piersing dash.png
Piercing Dash Dash forward with your weapon in front of you, hitting foes as you go!
Blade flurry.png
Blade Flurry Stab enemies in front of you with a series of lightning fast strikes!
Spirit slash.png
Spirit Slash Bring forth your warrior spirit and unleash a series of lightning fast slashes on surrounding enemies.
Shadow clone.png
Shadow Clone Summons one or more ghost images of yourself, which will deal bonus damage on all your basic attacks.
Dodging strike.png
Dodging Strike Dash backwards to avoid your foes and return with a powerful slash! Stylish dodges will increase damage.

Two Handed

Icon Name Description
Heroic Slam.png
Heroic Slam Jump a short distance and slam your weapon to the ground, dealing damage to all enemies hit!
Whirlslash Quickly spin your blade around yourself, damaging all nearby enemies!
Titan's Throw.png
Titan's Throw Throw your weapon and deal damage to all enemies hit. You must pick up your weapon again after throwing it.
Smash! Smashes enemies in front of you, sending them flying! Foes hit by those enemies also take damage.
Berserker style.png
Berserker Style Enter a battle style that favors offensive play.

Magic Skills





Fireball Cast a powerful fireball to burn your enemies!
Meteor Guide a rock from space and send it crashing down on unsuspecting enemies, dealing massive damage.
Flame Thrower.png
Flame Thrower Create a cone of flames in front of you, dealing continuous damage to all enemies caught.





Ice spikes.png
Ice Spikes Unleash rows of spikes, piercing all enemies in it's path, damaging and slowing them.
Ice nova.png
Ice Nova Utility spell that damages and slows enemies around you.
Frosty Friend.png
Frosty Friend Summons a snow creature to help you fight against your enemies!





Earht spike.png
Earth Spike Creates a huge earth spike that protrudes from the ground, damaging enemies!
Summon plant.png
Summon Plant Summon plants that will attack enemies that come close. Higher charge levels summon different plants!
Insect swarm.png
Insect Swarm Summon a swarm of insects traveling straight away. If they hit an enemy, they may multiply.





Chain lightning.png
Chain Lightning Create a surge of lightning which will bounce between enemies, dealing damage to each one!
Cloud strike.png
Cloud Strike Summon a cloud companion to assist you in battle!
Static touch.png
Static Touch Charge yourself up with electricity, making you deal additional damage with your physical attacks!

Utility Skills





Blink Instantly teleports you to the target location. Useful for getting out of tough spots!
Focus Enter a medatative stance, increasing EP regen! Focus long enough to make the next spell cheaper.
Barrier Create a barrier that protects you or a friend against enemy attacks.


Icon Name Description
Reaper's blade.png
Reaper's Blade Creates a blade above the target. It gains power from damage dealt, and strikes down after a few seconds
Stasis Freeze an enemy in time and space, removing them from the fight. Only works on one enemy at the time!
Provoke Taunt your enemies! They will target you, and you'll deal more damage to each other.


Icon Name Description
Empower Infuse yourself or an ally with power, increasing ATK and MATK for short duration!
Haste Buff yourself or an ally, increasing ASPD and CSPD for a short duration!
Fortify Bless yourself or an ally, increasing DEF, Shield Regen, and EP Regen for a short duration!