Ice Spikes

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Ice Spikes is a Frost Magic Skill that will unleash rows of ice spikes that quickly travels straight forward until it reaches a max range or obstacle. All enemies getting hit have a high chance of getting slowed if not immune.



Ice Spikes
Charge Time: Short
EP Cost: 20 / 25 / 35 / 45 EP
Base Charge

Shoot a row of ice spikes that quickly travels in a straight line until it reaches max range or hits an obstacle. Enemies that become Chilled will have decreased resistance against critical strikes, and will also be slowed unless immune.

The spell also has a small chance of Freezing an enemy. Frozen enemies cannot move until the ice melts, or until they are struck up by up to three other attacks, depending on the attacks strength. Frozen targets are significantly more vulnerable to critical strikes.

The chance to Freeze is increased significantly if the enemy is already Chilled. Recently Frozen enemies are more resistant.

Bronze Charge
Spikes travel significantly longer, and the slow effect becomes more powerful.
Silver Charge

Spikes travel further, and both the strength and chance of the slow effect is increased.

Gold Charge

Spikes reaches very far, covers a boarder area and is guaranteed to slow enemies that are hit, unless they are immune. Smaller enemies will also be briefly knocked up.

== Performance for Max Level ==dd

For Level 10 Ice Spikes, performance is as follows:

  • Total Damage based on MATK:
    • Base: 160%
    • Bronze: 224%
    • Silver: 320%
    • Gold: 680%


  • Base: 6 spikes, 7 velocity
  • Bronze: 8 spikes, 8 velocity
  • Silver: 10 spikes, 9 velocity
  • Gold: 12 spikes, 9 velocity

The velocity increases with CSPD


Chill chance is 100%

  • Chance to slow: 20% + 10% * charge level
  • Stuns during launch unless the enemy is immune to launching
  • Freezing is affected by Crippling Blast and the Blue Slime Card
    • Base: 15%, 3s
    • Bronze: 20%, 3s
    • Silver: 35%, 4s
    • Gold: 50%, 5s