Flame Thrower

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Flame Thrower is a Fire Magic Skill that sends out a stream of fire from the palms of your hands, dealing continuous damage to anything in front of you. You can cancel the spell during its channeling by shielding.


IngamePreview FlameThrower.png
Flame Thrower.png
Flame Thrower
Charge Time: 20 (Short)
EP Cost: 25 / 30 / 40 / 50 EP
Gold Overtime: 20 EP/s
SkillDetail HighDMG.png
SkillDetail HighSkill.png
Base Charge

Send out a stream of fire from the palms of your hands, dealing continuous damage to anything in front of you. You can cancel the spell during its channeling by moving, attacking, shielding or pressing the button again.

Bronze Charge
Increases the damage and max duration of the channel.
Silver Charge

Increases the damage and max duration of the channel, and allows you to move around at half your regular movespeed during the channeling. This speed can be increased from equipment or talents that affect your charge movement speed.

You can cancel the channel prematurely by shielding, attacking or pressing the spell button again.

Gold Charge

Your mastery of the flames is complete. When the base duration is over, you can continue firing and moving around until your EP is depleted. The spell can be canceled prematurely by attacking, shielding or pressing the spell button again.

Performance for Max Level

Due to potential rounding errors, the exact count of damage ticks might differ by one, depending on CSPD, Skill Level, Charge, etc.

At Level 10, Flame Thrower has the following performance:

  • Total Damage based on MATK
    • Base: 672% (14 ticks)
    • Bronze: 907.2% (18 ticks)
    • Silver: 1184.4% (21 ticks)
    • Gold: 2028.8% (26 base ticks) + 780% / Gold Overtime second
  • Each damage tick also deals +10 Bonus Damage after MATK calculations


Flame Thrower deals its damage in a high number of small damage instances. Silver Charge allows players to move at their Charge Movement Speed (40% default), while Gold Charge moves 25% faster than Silver Charge (50%).


The skill scales based on MATK, and the Charge Multipliers for each level are as follows:

  • Base: 40%
  • Bronze: 42%
  • Silver: 47%
  • Gold: 65%

Each damage tick deals MATK * Charge Multiplier * (1 + 0.02 * Skill Level) + Skill Level damage.

Duration and Ticks

The total duration of Flame Thrower, in seconds, can be calculated as follows:

Duration = Base Duration + Skill Level * 0.06 + Gold Overtime

Where Base Duration depends on Charge Level:

  • Base: 0.8 seconds
  • Bronze: 1.1 seconds
  • Silver: 1.5 seconds
  • Gold: 2 seconds

A damage tick is dealt for each 0.1 seconds that pass.

In the end, this results in 8 / 11 / 15 / 20 ticks, +0.6 ticks per Skill Level, +10 ticks per Gold Overtime second.

Gold Overtime

After the max duration for Gold Charge is depleted, and the player still has EP, Flame Thrower will continue channeling at a cost of 20 EP / second (or 2 EP / tick), resulting in +10 damage ticks / second.

CSPD Factor

CSPD will increase Flame Thrower's tick rate, increasing its DPS while reducing its max duration, maintaining the total damage potential.

CSPD will also affect the EP drain during Gold Overtime, and increase the DPS. The 2 EP / tick ratio is still maintained.


As stated earlier, Flame Thrower's Silver and Gold Charge allow the user to move based on their Charge Movement Speed. The Multitasking talent, Boar card, Sailorhat.png Sailor Hat and Rollerblades.png Rollerblades allow increasing it further.

Flame Thrower is considered a Semi DOT, and Magicbattery.png Magic Battery's Special Effect has a 60% reduced duration if it's triggered by the damage ticks (from 2 seconds to 0.8).


  • For Base and Bronze Charge, make sure you position yourself well. You'll have to interrupt your spell if you're about to get hit by an enemy
  • For Silver and Gold Charge, prioritize getting Multitasking Level 5. With increased movement speed, it is possible to dodge attacks without interrupting your Flame Thrower, or combo multiple enemies into one single spell cast
  • Gold Overtime can be used for chaining multiple enemies in one cast, or bursting down one single enemy. It can be useful to reduce the enemy threat, but care should be taken as to not run out of EP
  • While Magicbattery.png Magic Battery has its duration reduced for Flame Thrower, it can still be useful due to the high amount of damage instances that are dealt. Flame Thrower is likely to Critical Hit on some of its damage ticks, maintaining the Battery's effect across the full cast.
    • Keep in mind that Gold Overtime's 20 EP / second cost surpasses the item's effect in the long run

Skill Navigation
Melee Skills
Piersing dash.png
Blade flurry.png
Spirit slash.png
Shadow clone.png
Dodging strike.png
Heroic Slam.png
Titan's Throw.png
Berserker style.png
Magic Spells
Flame Thrower.png
Ice spikes.png
Ice nova.png
Frosty Friend.png
Earht spike.png
Summon plant.png
Insect swarm.png
Chain lightning.png
Cloud strike.png
Static touch.png
Utility Spells
Reaper's blade.png