Piercing Dash

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Piercing Dash Skill.PNG

Piercing Dash is a one-handed weapon Skill in which you dash forward with your weapon in front of you, hitting foes as you go!


IngamePreview PiercingDash.png
Piersing dash.png
Piercing Dash
Charge Time: 15 (Short)
EP Cost: 15 / 20 / 30 / 40 EP
SkillDetail HighMobility.png
SkillDetail FastCharge.png
SkillDetail EasyToUse.png
Base Charge

Piercing Dash makes you dash forward with your one handed weapon in front, damaging enemies you run into!

Bronze Charge

Does a little more damage, travels faster and takes you further. If you cancel into another skill, it will begin charging at bronze level!

Silver Charge

Does substantially more damage. Travels very fast. If cancelled into another skill, that skill begins charging at silver level.

Gold Charge

Goes lightning fast, ignores unit collision and deals extra damage to all enemies hit after a short delay. Additionally, if you cancel into another skill it will automatically become fully charged (EP and level limits still apply).