Reaper's Blade

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Reaper's Blade is an offensive utility skill, which creates a blade above the target. It gains power from damage dealt to the target and strike down after some time. Additionally, it can execute enemies that are close to death.


IngamePreview ReapersBlade.png
Reaper's blade.png
Reaper's Blade
Charge Time: None
EP Cost: 35 EP
SkillDetail Utility.png
SkillDetail Targeted.png
SkillDetail LongRange.png
Base Charge

Summon a Reaper's Blade above the target enemy. After 2 seconds, or the next time the target takes damage, the blade will start gaining power from all damage dealt to the enemy.

After charging up for 3.5 seconds, the blade will strike down, and 40 % of the absorbed damage will be dealt again, plus 5 % per additional level of this skill.

The maximum power that can be stored inside the blade is equal to 300 % of the caster's ATK and MATK combined.

The Reaper's Blade becomes stronger when a target is near death. If 150 % of the collected damage is enough to kill the target, the blade will automatically trigger and execute its victim. Against bosses, this number is 200 % instead.

If a Reaper's Blade is summoned above an enemy already cursed with one, the old blade will deal its damage as if timed out, and then be replaced.


Reaper's Blade starts accumulating damage after a damage instance is dealt, or 2 seconds have passed. After 3.5 seconds, it will time out, damaging the enemy again for the accumulated damage.

The Blade stores 35% + 5% * Skill Level of the damage dealt while it is active. At most 3 * (ATK + MATK) can be stored as damage to be dealt by the spell.

If 150% of the stored damage would be enough to kill regular enemies (200% against bosses or minibosses), Reaper's Blade will deal that damage instead and instantly kill them.

The Blade's meter fills as it gets closer to the maximum damage cap, or to the execution threshold, with the latter taking priority. If no damage was dealt while the Blade was active, it doesn't deal any damage.

The damage dealt by Reaper's Blade ignores enemy Defense.


  • The only stat that scales with higher levels is the damage conversion rate. If you consistently reach the cap early, you may want to refund some skill points from Reaper's Blade and put them in another skill
  • Due to the damage cap scaling based on both damage stats, hybrid builds might benefit from it more
  • Reaper's Blade is best suited for accelerating enemy kills with its execution mechanic, and can prove useful in burst builds
  • While Reaper's Blade provides a huge damage amplification, it usually reaches its cap quickly, diminishing its utility for durable enemies. Consider using Empower for lengthy encounters instead

Skill Navigation
Melee Skills
Piersing dash.png
Blade flurry.png
Spirit slash.png
Shadow clone.png
Dodging strike.png
Heroic Slam.png
Titan's Throw.png
Berserker style.png
Magic Spells
Flame Thrower.png
Ice spikes.png
Ice nova.png
Frosty Friend.png
Earht spike.png
Summon plant.png
Insect swarm.png
Chain lightning.png
Cloud strike.png
Static touch.png
Utility Spells
Reaper's blade.png