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Whirlslash skill is a two-handed weapon skill that spins the character in a circle, hitting all surrounding enemies. As the skill is upgraded, the damage and knockback dealt increases, as well as the number of hits. At full charge, the user is able to move while spinning and the attack becomes shield cancelable.


IngamePreview Whirlslash.png
Charge Time: 15 (Very Short)
EP Cost: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 EP
SkillDetail Surrounding.png
SkillDetail FastCharge.png
SkillDetail EasyToUse.png
Base Charge

Spin your blade in a full circle, damaging any enemies that are in your way. This attack comes out extremely fast, and has decent knockback.

Bronze Charge
The attack deals more damage and knocks back further.
Silver Charge

Spin the sword twice, with the second blow dealing most damage and all knockback.

Gold Charge

Spin the sword three times, while having the ability to move at full speed! The final blow deals extra damage and have all the knockback.

Performance for Max Level

For Level 10 Whirlslash, performance is as follows:

  • All Charges act as if the player has +20 Bonus ATK
  • Total Damage based on ATK (if all hits land)
    • Base: 199.125%
    • Bronze: 308.64%
    • Silver: 442.5%
    • Gold
      • Individual Hits: 95.875%, 100.875%, 105.875%, 110.875%, 115.875%, 231.75%
      • Total: 645.25%


Whirlslash does 1 / 1 / 2 / 5 spins which damage enemies around the player. The spins are executed faster with higher ASPD.

During Gold Charge, players are able to move at their normal movement speed. With higher ASPD, the movement speed will also be increased, but the maximal movement distance during Whirlslash will remain the same.


Whirlslash uses the following stats:

Base Damage = ATK + 2 * Spell Level
Base Damage Modifier = Charge Modifier * Weapon Modifier (125%) * (1 + 0.02 * (Spell Level - 1))

Charge Modifiers:

  • Base: 135%
  • Bronze: 209.25%
  • Silver: 120%
  • Gold: 65%

For Silver and Gold Charge, the current Damage Modifier increases with more spins:

  • Silver Charge: the second spin's Damage Modifier is multiplied by 1.5
  • Gold Charge: second through fifth spin's Damage Modifier have a flat 0.05 (results 5% of Base Damage) added to them. The fifth spin also doubles its Damage Modifier after the addition

For a single spin, the damage is calculated as:

Spin Damage = Base Damage * Current Damage Modifier

Breaking Power

Base and Bronze Whirlslash have a Breaking Power of 1. Silver and Gold have a Breaking Power of 2, while their final hits (the second and the fifth) have a BP of 4.

While this isn't enough to interrupt some enemies such as Elite Boars, it might still be useful against weaker enemies. Alternatively, you can cast Whirlslash from a Perfect Guard to increase the Breaking Power of all of its hits to 9.

Skill Navigation
Melee Skills
Piersing dash.png
Blade flurry.png
Spirit slash.png
Shadow clone.png
Dodging strike.png
Heroic Slam.png
Titan's Throw.png
Berserker style.png
Magic Spells
Flame Thrower.png
Ice spikes.png
Ice nova.png
Frosty Friend.png
Earht spike.png
Summon plant.png
Insect swarm.png
Chain lightning.png
Cloud strike.png
Static touch.png
Utility Spells
Reaper's blade.png