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Provoke is an offensive utility skill, which taunts your enemies.

The caster and taunted enemies deal more damage to each other. Additionally, taunted enemies will be forced to target the caster.


IngamePreview Taunt.png
Charge Time: None
EP Cost: 25 EP
SkillDetail Utility.png
SkillDetail Control.png
Base Charge

Hurl some savage insults at your enemies, making them focus their attacks on you instead of your allies. Provoked enemies will deal extra damage to you, but you will also deal extra damage to them.

You will deal 25 % extra damage to the enemy.

The enemy will deal 50 % extra damage to you.

The enemy will remain Provoked for 5 seconds, plus 1 second per additional skill level.

The maximum number of taunted enemies per Provoke is 2, plus 1 per additional skill level.

Some enemies (such as most bosses) will have enough composure to target other players, but they will still be Annoyed, making you deal extra damage to each other.

Enemies that do not target players at all can be neither Provoked nor Annoyed.


Provoke taunts 1 + 1 * Skill Level enemies up to 120 units away and up to 30 degrees away from the player's cast direction. Immune enemies don't count towards the enemy cap, and other enemies are prioritized based on how close they are to the player.

Enemies will display an Angry emote if they're affected fully by Provoke. Such enemies will exclusively target the caster, and ignore any other targets (such as other players) for the duration of Provoke.

Most bosses and some enemies will become Annoyed instead, displaying the corresponding emote while taunted. Unlike Angry enemies, they will retain their previous targeting priorities.

Enemies affected by Provoke will deal 50% more damage to the caster, and the caster will deal 25% more damage to them for the duration of Provoke. This multiplier applies on top of all damage modifiers and stats, and does not affect or apply for other players.

Enemies lose their taunt status after 4 + 1 * Skill Level seconds, or when the caster moves more than 150 units away from them.

Affected Enemies

Most enemies not listed here will become Angry when taunted, suffering the full effects of Provoke.

These enemies become Annoyed when taunted, maintaining their targeting priorities:

These enemies are immune to Provoke, not being affected at all. Some enemies may or may not display an emote:


Casting Provoke with no targets hit (including immune ones) will not consume any EP. Additionally, Utility Flow talent will not get an additional charge.

Skill Navigation
Melee Skills
Piersing dash.png
Blade flurry.png
Spirit slash.png
Shadow clone.png
Dodging strike.png
Heroic Slam.png
Titan's Throw.png
Berserker style.png
Magic Spells
Flame Thrower.png
Ice spikes.png
Ice nova.png
Frosty Friend.png
Earht spike.png
Summon plant.png
Insect swarm.png
Chain lightning.png
Cloud strike.png
Static touch.png
Utility Spells
Reaper's blade.png