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Phaseman card.png


Phaseman was created by scientist of the old world in an attempt to eliminate a looming threat. It had extensive combat capabilities, along with extraordinary phase shifting feature. Thanks to its superhuman strength it can carry all the components required for phasing, making it able to phase at will.

Flavor Text

Phaseman is phased by no man!

Level 7
Health 3250
Weakness None
Resistance None
Found in Flying Fortress
Phaseman Down.png


Phase Shift - Phaseman can quickly transport to a different location using Phase Shift. This ability is learned by the player upon defeating Phaseman.


Phaseman follows a set attack pattern:

  • It begins at the top of the arena and fires a green laser orb, this will come to a halt and explode into 5 purple orbs, which will each release a circle of red orbs
  • It will then phase to the left side of the arena and rapidly fire red orbs to the left in a pair of wave patterns of opposite amplitude, which can be easily avoided by standing directly above or below him
  • It then phases to the right side of the arena and fires out 8 purple orbs, each of which will explode into a circle of red orbs
  • It will then phase to the middle of the arena and indicate a pattern that it will phase in, releasing red orbs as it goes
    • The shapes can be a 5 pointed star, 4 pointed star, polygonal figure-of-8 or a zig-zag up to the top of the arena and back to the centre



It's highly probable that when Phaseman engages the player in combat, it isn't actually attacking the player, but rather Bag who is located on the player.

Sentient Container

[pp]ALLEGIENCE: Zhamla
[pp]ACTION: Immediate termination

Phaseman, Opening dialogue before fight

There is an interesting comment in the Dialogue Translation Tool for this dialogue.

Comment: "Sentinent Container" as in "Living Bag", Zhamla is a person.
— Dialogue Translation Tool, [Flying Temple -> Phaseman01 -> Part 2]

"MARISA" is a reference to a character from the Touhou bullet hell series. This can be most notably seen in Phaseman's laser attack where he charges up and fires a laser directly down the arena. This is probably a reference to Marisa's 'Master Spark'.