Flying Fortress

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The Flying Fortress is the first dungeon in Secrets of Grindea.

The Entrance to the Flying Fortress


The player is given a quest by Quinton to place a teleport plate outside an Ancient Temple. When the plate is placed, Bag hints that treasures might be found inside. Upon entering the temple it is completely lifeless and still and the player proceeds further inside and stumbles upon an Ancient Machine. After starting up the Ancient Machine, the various inhibitants of the temple come to life and while backtracking the player realizes that the temple is now in fact flying high above the ground.

An Ancient Machine
An indoors area inside the Flying Fortress

Dungeon Anatomy

The Flying Fortress is divided into three wings; The Eastern Wing, The Western Wing and The Center Wing. Each of these wings host a dormant Ancient Machine that needs to be started to reach the final boss. The Ancient Machine in the Center Wing is completely unguarded and is the first machine to be started, this also makes the temple fly.

The second Ancient Machine can be found in the Eastern Wing and is guarded by Phaseman.

The third and final Ancient Machine can be found in the Western Wing and is guarded by The Sentry.

When all Ancient Machines have been started the player can venture further inside the Central Wing into the Boss Chamber of GUN-D4M.


FlyingFortress-20.pngTeleport Plate1Ancient Machine (Center)2Perfect Guard Challenge3Phaseman4Ancient Machine (East)5Bullet Hell Gauntlet6Key7Phase Shift Puzzle8Key9The Sentry10Ancient Machine (West)11GUN-D4M12
1: Teleport Plate 2: Ancient Machine (Center)
3: Perfect Guard Challenge 4: Phaseman 5: Ancient Machine (East)
6: Bullet Hell Gauntlet 7: Key
8: Phase Shift Puzzle 9: Key 10: The Sentry 11: Ancient Machine (West)
12: GUN-D4M

Enemies Encountered

  • Abilities


    • Green Guardians -  Connects with other Green Guardians to create a searing hot laser beam.
    • Purple Guardians - Creates a field of increased gravity that impedes the progress of its enemies.
    • Blue Guardians - Generates a shield that protects any unit (except itself) from taking damage. The Blue Guardian must be destroyed for the effect to end.
  • Description

    Despite not being very sturdy, and not packing that much of a punch, the wisps might very well be the most annoying thing created by man. Their quick, erratic movement make them very hard to hit, and adventurers without the appropriate skillset might find themselves cursing the creators of this little robot. If you don't have any ranged skills and your bow is out of arrows, try to corner it and then smash it's figurative face in.

    Wisps are enemies that resemble a small orb-shaped robot that can be encountered in the Flying Fortress.


    Wisps will fly around using quick movements while always facing the player. Every once in a while, the Wisp will fire a spark projectile horizontally, which stops after a short distance and then move in a line towards the player. A line will indicate the direction in which it flies. This will then repeat once. If the spark is stopped with a Perfect Guard, the spark will chase the wisp.

    On hard mode, the spark will home in on the player 4 times and move faster.


    • The wisp's initial shot can be pretty hard to dodge or guard if the wisp is on the same horizontal axis as the player. Either be ready to guard or move out of the way pre-emptively.
  • Peckos are large birds that rule the skies. They usually don't attack humans, but if you get close to a nesting site, you better watch out!

    These ferocious birds can both stab you with their giant beaks, and smash you with their feet.


    The Pecko is a giant bird enemy that has made the temple grounds its home, and is quite merciless when it comes to defending its territory! It’s a tanky, quite mobile enemy with a large attack range thanks to its ability to stretch its neck.


    Peckos will try to approach the player by walking over to them. If the player is quite far away, they will fly to approach the player faster. If they are close enough and facing the player, they will move their heads back slightly, then peck at them three times in rapid succession, then stop for a short while. If a peck is perfect guarded, the Pecko will briefly pause. If the player is standing directly behind them, the Pecko will stomp on the player.

    On hard mode, the Pecko will pause more briefly between its attacks.


    • The stomp attack that the Pecko uses on players that approach it from behind can be hard to avoid. It's generally better to stand somewhat to its side or simply guard its pecks before dealing damage.


    • The Pecko's Enemy Codex entry uses a picture of the Pecko Doll item instead of an actual Pecko.


Mini Bosses

Phaseman - Phaseman was created by scientist of the old world in an attempt to eliminate a looming threat. It had extensive combat capabilities, along with extraordinary phase shifting feature. Thanks to its superhuman strength it can carry all the components required for phasing, making it able to phase at will.

The Sentry - A stationary and over-sized Guardian constantly spawning monsters.

Main Boss

GUN-D4M - The GUN-D4M was built to replace the diminishing Phaseman but scientists and engineers had a hard time finding a suitable power source for the GUN-D4M. Due to the difficulties finding a stable power source, followed by a tragic accident, development was halted and GUN-D4M was put in storage indefinitely.