Zhamla Meer

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Zhamla Meer
Gender Male
Type Main Story
Location Tai Ming
I'll let you witness my full power before I destroy you!

Zhamla was once the greatest collector in all of Grindea, but began killing people in search of a supposed Human card drop, believing it to be the last one he needed.

He later attacks the player after returning to Tai Ming.



The first visual appearance that Zhamla makes is 1000 years in the past when he is still a young boy. He has long, blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He wears a red robe, and his hair is tied with a matching red band.

In future time rifts, he is seen older, with a darker robe tied in the middle with red straps. His hair is longer, and he carries a much more serious look. Another, similar version of his adult self can later be seen with duller skin and gray eyes.


As a child, Zhamla is carefree and has no desire to fight, and would rather be known as "The King of Having Fun." However, his childishness is scolded by Sizou, who warns him of the great danger that will come if he does not train. After this incident, Zhamla adopts a much more serious personality.

He later grows up to be one of the most powerful warriors, gaining immense fearlessness and courage. He spends most of his time away from Tai Ming, fighting monsters and training to become stronger. However, his desire to become stronger and collect every obtainable card eventually clouds his mind, and he eventually falls into a state of insanity.


Zhamla is one of the primary antagonists, who brought about a great cataclysm nearly 1000 years ago.

Zhamla is mentioned multiple times in the computer diaries and log books of the Flying Fortress, and is the main focus in Tai Ming where the player meets him at different points in time, due to the Time Rifts in the area.

Mention of Zhamla

Computer Diaries

We were approached by The Council today - they want our help in fighting Zhamla.

I am not surprised, but it makes me no less anxious. Tannie Hawk agrees, the sweet girl.
She's worried about her family down below, and not for no reason...

— Professor Pine, Date: 07.08.076
We started two experiments today.

One goes by the codename Phaseman, the other GUN-D4M.
Phaseman is our best bet, and the fastest to build.
Hopefully it will be enough, but Zhamla is not to be underestimated...

— Professor Pine, Date: 12.08.076
He ruined another village today. Forty-five dead and Tannie Hawk's sister was among them.

We must stop him, she tells me with tears in her eyes.
Neither of us can believe that man was once the greatest Collector of us all.

— Professor Pine, Date: 10.09.076
The Phaseman experiment is progressing well.

The blueprints for GUN-D4M arrived as well, but the design worries me -
there is a limit to how much power a human should posses, and Zhamla is proof of that.

— Professor Pine, Date: 23.08.076
The Phaseman proved a failure.

He is much weaker than we had anticipated, and Zhamla grows in strength with every living soul he consumes.
Several council members have already died... GUN-D4M is now our only hope.

— Professor Pine, Date: 28.09.076
There hasn't been a word from the Council for such a long time.

Tannie Hawk fears they're all dead. Perhaps it's just her and me, alone among the clouds.
The only ones alive.
It wouldn't be so bad. Except for Zhamla, lurking far below in the burning lands...

— Professor Pine, Date: 03.11.076
GUN-D4M is completed, the only thing missing is a power source. That is what scares me, though.

A source that powerful would have to be a danger in itself.
Combining it with a highly advanced weapon... It gives me the chills.
Tannie Hawk says it is what is needed to take Zhamla down. She is right - it has to be done.

— Professor Pine, Date: 15.12.076

Phaseman Dialogue

Sentient Container

[pp]ALLEGIENCE: Zhamla
[pp]ACTION: Immediate termination

Phaseman, Opening dialogue before fight


Zhamla Meer is most likely the creature "Echo of Madness" due to sharing similar dialogue and the same weapon as the creature.

The Artifacts that the protagonist is collecting were most likely owned by Zhamla at one point, during your fight with him you see him use Gaan'tlet, Amalet and of course his crown while using similar powers that these artifacts were shown to posses, additionally though only speculated it appears that artifacts that were in Zhamla's possession have been somewhat corrupted, as when time traveling the artifacts we meet in Tai Ming specifically Helmit, Shiidu, Braazlet and Pao Zhi have rather peaceful and easy-going personalities, with both Helmit and Shiidu being encounter in present time yet retaining their personality, yet Gaan'tlet and Amalet are outliers in the fact their personalities are openly hostile and see themselves as better then everything else with the latter possibly stemming from Zhamla's obsession of becoming the best Collecter and becoming stronger without end. Along this vein, it's also speculated that Bag was previously owned by Zhamla, due to his distinct personality and uncharacteristically apprehension when talking about Zhamla in Tai Ming.

Zhamla's sword can be seen in your Dad's flashback, disappearing when he attempted to take it and causing him to then lose his arm.

As are a lot of names in the game, Zhamla's may be a wordplay as well. Zhamla sounds like the German word Sammler, which translates to Collector. Combined with his last name, Meer(->mehr->more), it references his obsession with collecting (cards).
