Titan's Throw

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Throw damage increases based on distance. Enemies hit by the explosion take increased damage, while the return deals the same damage to all enemies hit

Titan’s Throw is a Two-Handed Melee skill that acts as a ranged option for melee players. Charging the skill summons a targeting reticle, and releasing throws the player’s weapon towards it, damaging all enemies in its path. While the weapon is thrown, the player is prevented from using Two-Handed Skills and Basic Attacks.

The weapon can be returned from any distance by channeling Titan's Throw for a short while. Alternatively, it can be picked up by walking over it, which causes the character to do a Spin Attack. Picking up the weapon also refunds 50% of Titan's Throw's EP cost.

At Gold Charge, the channeled return is replaced with an instant return. Pressing the skill button will launch the weapon towards the player, damaging all enemies in its path once again.


IngamePreview TitansThrow.png
Titan's Throw.png
Titan's Throw
Charge Time: 25 (Medium)
EP Cost: 30 / 35 / 40 / 55 EP
SkillDetail LongRange.png
SkillDetail Targeted.png
SkillDetail HighSkill.png
Base Charge

Throw your weapon in a straight line to damage any enemies between you and the target. The further the weapon travels, the more damaging it becomes! After throwing your weapon, it will stick to the ground, and you won't be able to use it again until you've picked it up. By holding the spell button, you can make the weapon return after a short delay.

Picking the weapon up will refund 50 % of the used EP, and also deal AoE damage around the player. The damage of the AoE is based on how far the weapon traveled!

Bronze Charge
Slightly increased damage.
Silver Charge

In addition to increased range and damage, the weapon will also cause an explosion at the point of impact, dealing significant bonus damage to enemies caught.

Recalling the weapon by pressing the spell button again is now much quicker, while the spin attack when picking the weapon up has increased range.

Gold Charge

The weapon can now be instantly called back by tapping the skill button again. On its return trip, it deals damage similar to when thrown, meaning the damage bonus from a far reaching throw will remain.

The attack when picking the weapon up now has great range.

Performance for Max Level

For Level 10 Titan's Throw, performance is as follows:

  • Total Damage based on ATK (max range, endpoint hit, and sword spin or recall used)
    • Base: 564%
    • Bronze: 822.5%
    • Silver: 1028.125%
    • Gold Spin: 1410%
    • Gold Recall: 1175%
  • All Charges deal +60 Bonus Damage after ATK calculations


Titan's Throw's overall damage increases as the weapon travels further from the player. Enemies hit by the weapon take damage based on the current distance travelled, while the Spin Attack and Gold Return deal damage based on the total distance travelled.

Unlike most melee skills, Titan's Throw does not benefit from Melee Interrupts on Perfect Guard.


The skill scales based on ATK, and the Charge Multipliers for each level are as follows:

  • Base: 240%
  • Bronze: 350%
  • Silver: 350%
  • Gold: 400%

The skill’s Base Damage is calculated as follows:

Base Damage = ATK * Charge Multiplier * (1 + 0.0175 * Skill Level) + 3 * Skill Level

The skill's maximal range increases with higher Charge Levels:

Base and Bronze: 120 units
Silver: 150 units
Gold: 180 units

Spin Attack's radius also increases with higher Charge Levels:

Base and Bronze: 27.5 units
Silver: 39 units
Gold: 52 units

Weapon Throw

The Weapon Throw deals between 50% and 100% of Base Damage, depending on distance travelled. The lowest damage is achieved at point blank hits, and the highest at the targeting reticle’s furthest distance. As the maximal distance increases with higher Charge Levels, distant shots will be required for optimal damage.

At Silver Charge and above, weapon throws deal 50% more damage if enemies are damaged near the Endpoint, that is, if they are visually caught in the explosion.

The Spin Attack and Gold Return will calculate damage based on the Endpoint Damage. This means that they will still deal maximal damage even if nearby enemies got hit for minimal damage, as long as the weapon lands far away.

Spin Attack

Picking up the thrown weapon causes a spin attack that deals 100% of Endpoint Damage. Gold Charge spins are stronger, dealing 150% of Endpoint Damage instead.

After a pick up, 50% of the EP used to cast Titan's Throw is refunded. This makes the skill extremely EP efficient, provided the player picks up their weapon most of the times.

Picking up the weapon also resets your current animation. This can cause skills (such as Piercing Dash, Focus or Flame Thrower) to end early.

While the character will continue to shield after a pick up, it is likely they will switch the shielding direction towards the last movement button currently held.

Weapon Return

At Gold Charge, the channeled weapon return is replaced by an instant return that launches the weapon towards the player. This attack deals 100% of Endpoint Damage, and just like the initial throw, it hits all enemies in its path. Unlike the initial Throw, this attack keeps its damage constant across all of the path traveled.

Weapon Return can be used during other actions (such as shielding or skill casts), and will not interrupt them.


While Two-Handed skills and basic attacks are restricted after a throw, magic and utility spells can still be cast freely. In addition, One-Handed skills and basic attacks are unaffected by the restriction, and can be used provided you switch to a One-Handed weapon.

Spin Attack and Weapon Returns (of any charge tier) can be used regardless of the current weapon equipped or current action (such as shielding, or casting Flame Thrower). Weapon switches, however, will not affect the damage of the current Titan's Throw.


  • Blink has unique interactions with Titan’s Throw that make it extremely useful in builds:
    • You can Blink on top of your weapon to pick it up. This returns your casting ability faster and delays enemies, which is always welcome for Titan's Throw
    • Blinking doesn’t interrupt the spin from a pick up. Skilled players can pick up their weapon and immediately Blink into a distant enemy to damage them with the spin
    • If you find it dangerous to retrieve your weapon, you can Blink to a safer spot and channel the manual return. Usually, you’ll have your weapon returned by the time the enemies aim towards your new postiton
  • Bloodthirst can prove useful for Throw builds in Arcade, since ASPD increases the targeting reticle’s speed. Due to the abundance of kills in Arcade, this allows for aggressive plays at the low cost of 3 Talent Points
  • You can maximize your damage output by hitting enemies at the targeting reticle’s furthest range. If you can’t distance yourself enough, you can instead overshoot through enemies, as the spin attack or weapon return will deal damage based on where the weapon landed
  • At Silver Charge and above, enemies caught in the endpoint’s explosion will take 50% more damage. You can combine this with long shots for extreme damage
  • Gold Charge’s Weapon Return is handy for picking off dangerous enemies such as Thorn-Worms, as you have ultimate control over Gold Return’s trajectory. Its use is situational, however, as Return doesn’t refund EP costs, and deals less damage than a Gold Charge Spin Attack would

Skill Navigation
Melee Skills
Piersing dash.png
Blade flurry.png
Spirit slash.png
Shadow clone.png
Dodging strike.png
Heroic Slam.png
Titan's Throw.png
Berserker style.png
Magic Spells
Flame Thrower.png
Ice spikes.png
Ice nova.png
Frosty Friend.png
Earht spike.png
Summon plant.png
Insect swarm.png
Chain lightning.png
Cloud strike.png
Static touch.png
Utility Spells
Reaper's blade.png