Berserker Style

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Berserker Style is a Two-Handed Weapon Skill, which changes the player into a much more offensive style.


Berserker style.png
Charge Time: 25 (Short)
EP Cost: 5 EP (clears EP on cast)
SkillDetail HighDMG.png
SkillDetail AttackModifier.png
SkillDetail PassiveEffect.png
SkillDetail HighSkill.png
Base Charge

Activating Berserker Style alllows your character enters a new combat style which is heavily focused on offense. While in berserker mode, you will take and deal 15 % more damage and your energy meter will constantly deplete. Equipment and talents that increase EP Regen will slow down the depletion rate, but can never stop it.

By hitting enemies with your melee skills and attacks, you will receive a temporary attack speed boost which stack up to a certain number. If you don't land a melee attack for 3 seconds, you will lose a stack every 1 second(s).

Additionally, your basic attacks will recover energy points with each enemy hit. Performing a Perfect Guard will halt the energy depletion for one second, and refresh the buff timer.

Bronze Charge

You take another 10 % additional damage (for 25 % total), but your energy recovery is better.

Silver Charge

You take another 10 % additional damage (for 35 % total), but your maximum attack speed boost is improved, and you now gain additional critical strike chance in the same way.

Gold Charge

Become Death incarnate, if Death was a crazy kid made of glass.

You take another 30 % additional damage (for 65 % total), but your EP Regen is increased significantly, and the other bonuses stack higher.

Your additional damage dealt is also increased to 35 %.


Permanent Effects

Upon cast, Berserker Style places a buff that increases the ATK multiplier and incoming damage multiplier of the player, and allows them to recover EP on hit similar to the effect of Second Wind talent.

For each level, the following stats are applied:

  • Uncharged
    • +25% ATK
    • +15% damage taken
    • 10 EP per basic attack
  • Bronze
    • +25% ATK
    • +25% damage taken
    • 12 EP per basic attack
  • Silver
    • +25% ATK
    • +35% damage taken
    • 12 EP per basic attack
  • Gold
    • +35% ATK
    • +65% damage taken
    • 14 EP per basic attack

While Berserker Style is active, the player cannot regen EP, and suffers from a constant 10 EP / second drain. The drain rate is inversely proportional to the EP Regen stat of the player, with 200 EP Regen causing the drain to be halved. The drain is halved once more if the player is charging a skill or has landed a melee attack in the last second. Additionally, Perfect Guarding an attack stops the EP drain for a second.

Stacking Buff

During Berserker Style, melee hits trigger a stacking buff that increases ASPD and Crit based on the charge level of the skill and the stack count. The attacks that can trigger the buff include hits from Heroic Slam, Titan's Throw, Smash! (direct hits only), Whirlslash and two-handed basic attacks. In Arcade, having the wand attacks count as melee hits pin also allows gaining stacks from the basic attack projectiles launched by magical two-handed weapons.

The buff lasts for a base duration of 3 seconds, with the duration being refreshed to 3 seconds whenever a melee hit is landed. After those 3 seconds, the buff decays at a rate of one stack per second, until all stacks have been depleted.

For each level, the following stats are applied by the buff:

  • Uncharged:
    • 7 max stacks
    • 4 ASPD / stack (max 28)
  • Bronze
    • 7 max stacks
    • 4 ASPD / stack (max 28)
  • Silver
    • 10 max stacks
    • 4 ASPD / stack (max 40)
    • 2 Crit / stack (max 20)
  • Gold
    • 10 max stacks
    • 5 ASPD / stack (max 50)
    • 3 Crit / stack (max 30)

With maxed stacks and charge level, the totals are:

  • 14 EP per basic attack
  • +35% ATK
  • +50 ASPD
  • +30 Crit
  • +65% damage taken


  • The spawn rate of red particles from the player increases as more stacks are gained. At 10 stacks, particles appear at double the rate compared to no stacks
  • While direct hits from Smash trigger Berserk stacks, hitting enemies with Smash Balls or smashed enemies does not
  • The game erroneously states that the base ATK multiplier of Berserk is 15%


  • Attacks from skills like Gold Heroic Slam or Gold Whirlslash apply multiple hits, each of them triggering a Berserk stack
  • The EP recovery effect of Berserk can be combined with the Second Wind talent to gain 19 EP per basic attack
  • While EP regen is disabled during Berserker Style, you can still regen EP without having to use basic attacks:
    • Haunted Blindfold trades your HP for EP
    • Focus directly adds EP based on your EP regen stat, bypassing the disabled EP regen. It also benefits from the halved drain while channeling the spell
    • Cog Shield and Kinetic Energy talent restore EP when shielding attacks
    • Spirit Potion restores a percentage of your EP on use
    • Picking up Titan's Throw returns 50% of the EP spent casting the skill

Skill Navigation
Melee Skills
Piersing dash.png
Blade flurry.png
Spirit slash.png
Shadow clone.png
Dodging strike.png
Heroic Slam.png
Titan's Throw.png
Berserker style.png
Magic Spells
Flame Thrower.png
Ice spikes.png
Ice nova.png
Frosty Friend.png
Earht spike.png
Summon plant.png
Insect swarm.png
Chain lightning.png
Cloud strike.png
Static touch.png
Utility Spells
Reaper's blade.png