Blade Flurry

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Blade Flurry is a one-handed weapon skill that quickly and repeatedly strikes enemies in front of you. It is both versatile in use and has high damage, making it useful in most One-Handed builds.


IngamePreview BladeFlurry.png
Blade flurry.png
Blade Flurry
Charge Time: 13 (Very Short)
EP Cost: 20 / 25 / 35 / 45 EP
SkillDetail HighDMG.png
SkillDetail FastCharge.png
Base Charge

Damages enemies in front of you with several quick stabs.

Bronze Charge

The attack is faster, giving you two additional strikes.

Silver Charge

Strike even faster, with a total of ten attacks, including a fierce finishing strike dealing critical damage and great knockback.

Gold Charge

Transcend your own limits, quickly dishing out several blows, followed by a three hit combo finisher dealing massive damage!

Performance for Max Level

For Level 10 Blade Flurry, performance is as follows:

  • All Charges (except Gold Charge) act as if you have +10 Bonus ATK
  • First three hits of Gold Charge act as if you have +10 Bonus ATK
  • Total Damage based on ATK (if all hits land)
    • Base: 302.67%
    • Bronze: 424.80%
    • Silver: 847.48%
    • Gold: 1313.58%
  • Using the WoodenSword.png Wooden Sword reduces the final damage by 5.55%


Blade Flurry deals 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 hits in a quick succession, depending on Charge Level. Critical Hits are rolled for each instance of damage.


The skill scales based on ATK, and the Charge Multipliers for each level are as follows:

  • Base: 95%
  • Bronze: 100%
  • Silver: 133%
  • Gold: 166%

The skill’s Base Damage is calculated as follows:

Base Damage = (ATK + Skill Level) * Charge Multiplier * (1 + 0.02 * (Skill Level - 1)) * Weapon Multiplier

For Silver and Gold Charge's "finisher" hits, there is no ATK Bonus based on Skill Level.


Blade Flurry's damage is distributed as follows:

  • Uncharged: 3 hits that hurt for Base Damage
  • Bronze Charge: 4 hits that hurt for Base Damage
  • Silver Charge: 4 hits that hurt for Base Damage and one final hit that deals 2 * Base Damage
  • Gold Charge: 3 hits that hurt for Base Damage, one hit that deals 1.11 * Base Damage, one hit for 1.33 * Base Damage, and a final one for 2 * Base Damage

Silver Charge and Gold Charge "finisher" hits have a Breaking Power of 5, making them likely to interrupt enemies.


  • Getting the Combo Starter talent may be preferable for Blade Flurry users, as it's easy and convenient to land a basic attack on an enemy before casting a Flurry on them
  • Due to the high hit count, Critical Hits are more likely to happen (at least for one of the stabs). You can equip a Magicbattery.png Magic Battery to take advantage of that
  • Blade Flurry can be interrupted by shielding or attacking. You can use that to cancel risky casts earlier, or shield an attack that's coming from the side

Skill Navigation
Melee Skills
Piersing dash.png
Blade flurry.png
Spirit slash.png
Shadow clone.png
Dodging strike.png
Heroic Slam.png
Titan's Throw.png
Berserker style.png
Magic Spells
Flame Thrower.png
Ice spikes.png
Ice nova.png
Frosty Friend.png
Earht spike.png
Summon plant.png
Insect swarm.png
Chain lightning.png
Cloud strike.png
Static touch.png
Utility Spells
Reaper's blade.png