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Where these spirits come from is not known, but one thing can be certain: they love laughing at newbie Collectors venturing into their territory. This fact alone has scared many a traveller away from areas where they can be found, but there's a worse threat than their horrible attitude: their invisibility!

A Ghosty will try to play games with anyone approaching, using its invisibility to quickly disappear and appear in a new place. Your best bet is trying to defeat it while it's visible!

Ghostys are invisible enemies that can reveal themselves to attack the player. They're found in a small clearing preceeding the graveyard in Pumpkin Woods.



While invisible, Ghostys are also invulnerable to most attacks. Some exceptions are damage from burns, and Lightning Orbs created by the Potion lightning.png Lightning Potion and certain Pins.

After initiating an attack, Ghosties stay revealed for 2.33 seconds on Normal, and 1.58 seconds on Hard. If the Ghosty is Elite, this timer is reduced by 0.75 seconds.

If the player has the Twi-Sight ability, they can forcefully reveal Ghostys by switching to Twilight.


Ghostys circle around the player until they're to the left or right side of the player, where they can attack from. Normally, Ghostys can't be seen due to their invisibility.


Ghostys can attack a player if they're horizontally aligned with them. They reveal themselves and dash in the player's direction, dealing ATK damage. Elite Ghostys start their lunge faster than regular ones.

This attack can be shielded, and doing so adds 0.5 seconds to the Ghosty's reveal timer. If the attack is Perfect Guarded, the reveal timer is instead reset to its original duration (this usually results in more time gained).


  • Regular Ghostys can be killed during their attack with a Two-Handed Basic Attack, provided the player has enough ATK and good timing
    • Just like Mrs. Bees, one can "sidestep" the Ghostys and use a Basic Attack from safety
  • On Hard difficulty, it is imperative to Perfect Guard Ghosty attacks and retaliate fast, since their reveal timer is short
    • Even with perfect planning, Elite Ghostys may still take two or three reveals to take down fully, due to their increased HP
  • In Arcade Mode, keep in mind that Ghostys won't be visible at room start during Floor 03. They're likely to do a surprise attack when you least expect it
    • If you have the Big Brothers curse and don't see an enemy from Pumpkin Woods on Floor 02, it's likely that a Ghosty spawned instead
    • Similarly, if you have More Elites enabled and don't see an elite on Floor 03, an Elite Ghosty might have spawned