Lantern Jack

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Some say Lantern Jacks are simply Jumpkins with more intellect, others claim they are a species entirely of their own. What is known for sure is that they love dressing up in shawls and seem to have a fondness of lanterns!

If a Lantern Jack shoots fire on you, try blocking it with your shield. If you manage to block in the right instant, it might shoot the fire straight back to Jack himself!

Lantern Jacks are pumpkin-like enemies that can be encountered in Pumpkin Woods. They stalk players from a distance and attack them with fire projectiles coming from their lantern.



Lantern Jacks circle around their target and try to maintain their distance. Moving too close will cause them to back off from the player.

Fire Attack

When aligned with their target axis wise, Lantern Jacks launch fire projectiles towards them, which deal ATK damage. Elite Jacks always fire 5 projectiles in a cone pattern, while regular Jacks fire one direct projectile on Normal, and three in a cone on Hard.

Elite Jacks fire their projectiles faster than regular ones, and on Hard, all Lantern Jack projectiles will travel 60% faster.

The projectiles can be shielded, and Perfect Guarding reflects them back, multiplying their damage by 5. This usually deals heavy damage to a Jack and may outright kill it.


  • Lantern Jacks can be killed quickly by reflecting their projectiles back at them. Alternatively, 1-2 Basic Attacks can dispose of them quickly
  • Jacks cannot fire diagonally, but you can still use Basic Attacks, or skills such as Whirlslash and Ice Nova to attack them safely


  • Only the projectile that was Perfect Guarded will be reflected back towards the Lantern Jack, but it is still possible to reflect more than one if additional projectiles hit your shield on the same frame as the Perfect Guard. This is more likely to happen in close quarters than at a distance, as angled projectiles will lag behind
  • While an Elite Jack will die from its own reflected projectile on Hard, on Normal it will survive with some HP left