The Divine Trials

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The Divine Trials is a book found in the basement of Port Monnaie's chapel.


An ant is greater next to a man, than
a mortal is next to the Goddess.

Indeed, in Her eyes, the mundane among us must be like passing motes of dust on a sunset breeze: featureless, transient and completely insignificant!

Yet in times of desperate need, a person - an extraordinary person - may find a blessed calling to prove themselves worthy of divine intervention.

It was so the rising sea was tamed four hundred years ago, saving tens of thousands from being swallowed by the ocean, after the great warrior Shan'to battled some forty thousand foes, for two weeks without pause.

And Randi, one of the Prodigal Three, who slew a Mountain Golem to enlist the Goddess' aid in stopping a great space-rock from ending our world.

Whether one knows the stories or not, one has surely seen the rock now sailing harmlessly through the night sky: our cherished moon.

Thus, our faith in Grindea is the ultimate bastion of hope. As long as there are heroes and bravery to catch her eye, the Goddess will watch over us!

Scripture Education
by Shinsai the Third
Year 2361


This book can be found in the basement of Port Monnaie's chapel.