The Summoning: Book 4

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The Summoning: Book 4 is a book found in Evergrind City's library.


A Friend in the Frost

"But... why is it winter in Seasonne?!" Lowe exclaimed, shivering in his summer wear.

Rose, who followed the local news, scratched her head through her warm winter hat. "No-one knows! But Quest Master Ulf seems to think it's connected to the Pumpking, and that mysterious Lord Flu."

A bush rustled, and from it a large net flew and fell right on top of them. Over a dozen Frostlings appeared from behind trees and rocks where they'd been hiding.

One of the Scoundrels eyed Rose with great amusement, then threw a snowball in her face and laughed.

"Cut it out!" she complained. "And cut us free, or I'll..." she thought for a bit, then finished meekly: "Or I'll whine and complain about it. Endlessly!"

They tied Lowe up, and then did the same to Rose.

"Normal we kill," one of the goblins said. "But now, Boss in command. He tell what do!"

They all marched through the strange new permafrost of Seasonne, until they arrived at a Frostling village at the edge of a steep cliff. An unusually large Frostling - or perhaps a regular sized Frostling with an unusually large coat - sat on a throne in the middle.

"What's this?" he asked, sounding amused. "Collector kids?"

"Yes, Boss! Fresh catch!"

"Lord Flu warned about them. Said they might be trouble. Haha! More like 'in trouble'!"

"This Lord Flu again!" Rose said. "Where is he? Tell us!"

"I ask question and say demand here, girl!" the Frostling Boss snarled.

"Tsk, then ask away."

The Frostling pondered. "Who's your favorite author?"

Rose rolled her eyes. "Duh! Penn Wryte, of course!"

Many Frostlings nodded in agreement and murmured their assent. "She good with synonyms," one said.

"Enough product placement!" the Boss yelled. "New question. What is your favorite color?"

Rose scoffed and raised an eyebrow. "Isn't that obvious?" she asked mockingly. "The answer to that question is the place where Lord Flu is!"

The Frostling scratched his head. "In secret Desert Temple? That not a color!"

Lowe grinned. "That was genius, Rose! So Lord Flu is in the Dragonbone Dunes, huh?"

The large goblin looked confused for a moment, then let out a howl of despair. "Noo! Stupid trickery! Collector girl smart as Caveling!"

He jumped to his feet and stretched out a large stick towards Rose and Lowe. "Kill both! Kill!"

"What will we do?" asked Lowe nervously. "We're tied, and we're outnumbered!"

"Maybe I can even the odds a little bit!" Rose said, focusing her magic on a snowman close to the Frostling Boss.

It burst into life, grabbing the Frostling by the collar and tossing him off the cliff!

"Whoa, Rose, that was amazing!" Lowe said.

The girl beamed at him. "Right? I got an idea, and found a new friend!" she proclaimed. "I'll call him Frosty!"

Rose summoned her Cloud, and burned through their ropes with lightning. With their new cool companion drawing a lot of attention, the two Collectors easily drove the remaining Frostlings away.

"Nice fighting, Rose," Lowe said, patting her on the back.

Rose brushed the snow from her clothes. "No time to bask in the glory, I'm afraid," she said. "Let's get to the Dragonbone Dunes and find this mysterious Lord Flu!"

By Penn Wryte



The book can be found inside Evergrind City's Library, the only one on the bottom right section.
