The Summoning: Book 5

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The Summoning: Book 5 is a book found in Dragonbone Dunes's Saloon.


The Choice

"Stop bothering me," the archeologist said, brows furrowed. "Digging out fossils requires utmost concentration!"

"Fossils aren't important right now!" Rose said, hands on her hips. "The world might be in danger!"

"Oh, really?" the old man said and laughed. "I hope I leave behind a good-looking fossil, then!"

"Listen, old man-" Lowe began, but his voice was drowned out by the roar of an explosion in the sand!

Rose thought it had been some kind of bomb at first, but as the dust cleared a huge golem of sand towered above them!

"I-It's a Solem!" the archeologist shrieked. "Save me! Save me!"

Rose and Lowe fought valiantly, but the Solem was too tough! Even with all their skills combined, they could only scratch it.

The Collector girl eyed her summons and pondered. "I've been learning a lot. I think I can do better than this!"

"What are you doing, Rose?" Lowe yelled at her when suddenly all her summons started disappearing, one by one.

"Upgrading!" Rose said with a confident grin.

The Frosty Friend re-appeared, now almost as big as the Solem! The Cloud went from being a cute mascot to a fearsome thunderstorm! Her Plants were now giant fruits, blasting deadly seeds!

"Aw, yeah!" Lowe cheered. "I'll never doubt you again, Rose!"

The girl laughed. "Good! Now let's finish this!"

Inspired by Rose's new talents, Lowe leveled up his game as well. The Solem was soon returned to ordinary desert dust!

"Y-you saved me," the archeologist said. "I'll tell you what you want to know."

And so the archeologist listened to their story, and pointed them to the temple ruins where Lord Flu was likely hiding.

The ancient civilization of Dragonbone Dunes seemed to have loved only two things: dragons and traps.

"If I see another spike or arrow, I'll give up!" Lowe complained.

"Then stop walking into every tripwire or raised tile you see!" Rose said, being equally tired of dodging.

Eventually they got to an inner sanctum, where the hooded man - Lord Flu - was already waiting. In his hands was a necklace with a giant ruby.

"So the Frostlings couldn't keep you busy, could they?" the man said, putting the jewel around his neck. "A pity. I don't like hurting children, you see."

He took off his hood. Rose and Lowe gasped.

"Especially children I know," Quest Master Ulf said.

Rose's eyes went wide. "Lord Flu... that's Ulf backwards!"

"Wow!" said Lowe. "That's genius!"

"Thank you. Sometimes, life is truly like a really, really good book."

"Whatever you're planning, we're here to stop you, Ulf!" Rose said.

Ulf laughed. "Give it your best shot, brats!"

An epic battle ensued, with sparks, ice and flames blasting in all directions.

After a long struggle, Ulf found himself cornered.

"Give up, Ulf!" Rose demanded. "You've been outmatched."

"Outmatched, yes," he admitted. "But not outwitted!"

He grabbed Lowe, and put a burning hand close to the boy's throat.

"One false move and he's crisp!" Ulf said, grinning. "Now listen to me very carefully, Rose.

The crystal I took from this place is an ancient artifact with extraordinary powers! Before taking it I thought it would enhance all magic powers equally, but having equipped it, I now understand that it only works with summons."

"What are you trying to say, old man?" Rose asked.

"Join me, and become my Summoner! The artifact will make your summons a hundred- nay, a thousand times stronger than usual! We can rule this world!"

Rose crossed her arms. "And what if I say no?"

"You can finish me off, but then the boy dies with me. Or... you can let me and the artifact go, but keep this boy alive." He chuckled. "Dear Rose... what will you do?"

By Penn Wryte



The book can be found in the Saloon at Dragonbone Dunes.
