The Summoning: Book 6 (Love)

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Love Conquers All

Rose clenched her fists. "How do I know you won't hurt Lowe?"

"What would I gain risking your wrath, Rose?" Ulf said and smiled.

"Rose, don't give in," Lowe said, voice shaking but eyes determined. "You can't let him keep the artifact."

"I'm sorry, Lowe," she said, and snapped her fingers. One by one her summons disappeared. "I can't let you die."

Ulf chuckled. "Pleasure doing business with you, Rose," he said, throwing Lowe to the ground. "Better get the boy out of the way quickly!"

"Away from what?" Rose asked, and then turned white as she heard a familiar whistling noise.

With a mere second to spare, Rose managed to summon her Frosty Friend and move Lowe out of the way.

The whole temple shook as a giant Meteor burned through the roof and incinerated the spot where the boy had just been lying!

"That bastard," Rose said through gritted teeth, then turned to Lowe, who was lying in her arms. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," he replied. "I'm fine, but... you let the bad guy get away! That's not what Collectors are supposed to do!"

She grumbled. "There are more important things than some Collector credo."

Lowe looked unconvinced. "Like what?"

Rose leaned forward and pressed her lips against his forehead. She kept them there for quite some time before ending the kiss.

Lowe was blushing furiously. "Oh," He mumbled, looking away. "I guess I kind of like you too, Rose."

Rose laughed, a tear in her eye. "I'd hope so," she said. "I just saved your life!"

They went back to Evergrind City and explained everything that had happened to Grand Master Lily.

"How horrible," she said. "Part of me wished you would've stopped that madman Ulf, Rose, but..." She looked at Lowe. "I think you made the right choice, saving your friend."

"What do we do now?" Lowe asked Rose after the meeting.

Rose put her hand in his and smiled. "We keep collecting, and keep growing stronger! If Ulf wants to get his butt kicked again, let him come!"

Lowe grinned. "Now you're talking!"


By Penn Wryte

