The Summoning: Book 6 (Power)

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Long Live The Queen

Rose swallowed, her mouth dry. She looked at her summons: the Frosty Friend, the fierce Cloud and the fearsome Plants. They were strong enough as they were, but...

"Did you say my Summons would become... a hundred times stronger?" she asked.

"At the very least!" Ulf said. He chuckled. "I can see it in your eyes. You've decided to join me."

Rose gave him a blank stare, then laughed. "Join you? What kind of fool do you take me for?"

With a flick of her wrist, she ordered her Frosty Friend to Smash. Ulf and Lowe both got caught in the fierce blast, flying backwards into the solid stone walls with a loud bang.

Ulf perished instantly, but Lowe was still moving, barely alive. Rose knelt down beside him.

"I-I think I'm dying, Rose," he croaked.

"Yeah," Rose said, placing her hand tenderly on his cheek. "I know."

She went over to Ulf and pulled the artifact from his neck. It had a large, red crystal, heavy and warm to the touch. Gazing at it, she felt its vast power flow through her, weaving into her summons.

She chuckled. "I want to thank you, Lowe."

"T-thank me? For what?"

"For showing me that I deserve more than just being a sweet girl with a broken hand. I used to settle for the smallest of things. Now... with this artifact... settle is a word I can forget."

She looked at her Frosty Friend.

"Let's see how much stronger you are." She clenched her fist. "Frosty, Smash!"

The power of the smash was positively cataclysmic. The impact caused an earthquake, and the ruins began collapsing from the vast tremors! Rose realized she had put herself in grave danger.

Her Frosty Friend picked her up, and sprinted for the exit.

Her Cloud, which had now mastered the air completely, gave them both a push with a howling tailwind.

Her plants, spawning endlessly, swatted away any falling rocks that might have hit her.

Triumphant, Rose arrived back at Collector HQ. She told the Grand Master everything that had happened.

"How horrible," Grand Master Lily said. She looked at Rose with a grave expression. "That artifact is too powerful to be used. It will surely corrupt! You have to give it over!"

Rose blinked. "Oh, Lily. I don't think you understand the power dynamic between us." She smiled. "You can't tell me what to do."

The Grand Master gasped. "So you're already lost. And now you're after my title?"

The girl laughed. "No, no, I don't want to be 'Grand Master'."

A glimmer of hope spread over Lily's face.

Rose continued, grin widening: "I'd rather you call me 'Her Majesty the Queen'."


By Penn Wryte

