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Gaan'tlet is the second Sentient Artifact that the player finds, after defeating the Winter Elder in the Temple of Seasons, and freeing him from Gaan'tlet's grasp. 



Gaan'tlet is a gauntlet, appearing to primarily be made of a steel-like material with green bands along the wrist and cuff. He has eyes on the dorsal side of the hand, and lacks a mouth, despite being able to speak.

On his sprite, however, he appears to lack the green bands, and instead has two green jewel-looking spots where the eyes would normally appear.


Much like the other artifacts, Gaan'tlet carries an overly prideful attitude of his power and status as an ancient artifact.


Gaan'tlet warped the mind of the Winter Elder to destroy the flow of seasons, before being thwarted by the player. After failing to tempt the player into the same fate as the former Elder, he rests in the Collector's Lab alongside Amalet, whom he insults.


  • Gaan'tlet's name is a pun on the word Gauntlet.