Grampa Joe

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Grampa Joe
Gender Male
Type Main Story
Location Startington
What are you doing down here, boy? Go spend some time with your family! You never know when you might lose them.

Grampa Joe is an elderly man found by the entrance of Startington. He guards the entrance to the Pillar Mountains and only allows you to pass after the player has a Wooden Sword and Wooden Shield. Also, he used to have a romance with Mrs. Pidgy.


Grampa Joe is involved in the following quests:


If the player has no sword or shield in their inventory:
"Haven't you forgotten something, young boy/girl?
You can't go down these mountains without something to fend off the bees with!
Where your things are?
How should I know?! You're still young, aren't you? Take a walk around!
Kids these days..."

If the player has a sword but no shield:
"I see you found your sword, but it would be reckless to go out there without a shield as well!
My guess is it's somewhere in the storage cave among all the other junk.
Come back when you've found it!"

If the player has both a sword and shield:
"Are you ready to go? Let's see...
Here's a shield, I see. And a wooden sword, too! Good to whack those pesky slimes with!
If you want to try out something different from a tiny sword, try swinging this branch.
Oh and one more thing... the fisherman down the river said he saw some shady looking folks around. Be careful!"

If the player has the big branch in their inventory:
"You're as prepared as you'll ever be!
Now go show them little city boys what mountain kids are made of! Har har har!"