Green Slime

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No one really knows where they came from, but there sure are a lot of them. They love eating stuff, and keep it all in their bodies as trophies!

Green Slimes are one of the first enemies encountered, and one of the easiest in the game. As implied by their name, Green Slimes look like little green blobs of slime, similar to many other games' starting enemies. They have only one attack, which is slow and predictable, making them excellent target dummies. They also hop really slowly, making it easy to run away from them.



Green Slimes move to the nearest player by jumping towards them, and attack if they line up with their target axis-wise.

Elite Green Slimes jump much farther. This frequently causes them to overshoot their target, and make their movements seem erratic.


When a Green Slime is near the player, it will reel back and lunge, dealing ATK damage if it hits. This attack can be shielded, and Perfect Guarding it knocks back the Slime and slightly increases the time before it can act again.


If a Green Slime is an Elite, it can also spawn Green Goo on the ground where it lands, which lasts for 7.5 seconds.

While in Goo, players are slowed down by 72% + 4% * Difficulty Level. For Normal, this results in a 72% movement slow, and for Hard - 84%.

If the player has the Red Slime Card, this slow is reduced by 30% of its value.


  • The Slimy Ring from the quest Slime & Ring only drops from one specific slime. It will have a different sprite showing the ring inside, making it easy to recognize


  • Green Slimes can be interrupted repeatedly with attacks and are extremely frail. As long as you don't let them flank you, you can deal with them easily
  • Elite Green Slimes need to complete their jumps to spawn Green Goo. You can prevent this by attacking them before they land, as this will stop them in place without any Goo spawning
  • If you're stuck in Goo, you can use Blink to teleport to safety
  • Dodging Strike is unaffected by the Goo's slowing effect. You can also use it to escape the Goo if needed