Menu System

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The menu system opened at the start of a story mode game.

Secrets of Grindea uses an in-game menu system to manage most non-combat elements of the game. It is accessed by pressing the ESC key.

There are 8 tabs in the menu system, along with a side panel that shows your character, level, gold, and an info-box of what is currently selected in the menu system.


Character Tab.png

The Character tab displays a "Collector ID" card containing 3 sections; Trivia, Stats, and Pet Info.

Character Trivia

Researched by Spiflicate#0012
Month Starsign
1-2 The Slime
3-4 The Rabby
5-6 The Bee
7-8 The Boar
9-10 The Bloomo
11-12 The Yeti
Character Trivia.png

Displays the name of your character along with your collectors rank, birthday and starsign.

Starsign is dependant on the birthday month of a character as seen in the table to the right.

Character Stats

Stats Main Article

Character Stats.png

Displays an overveiw of your character's stats.

Pet Info

Pets Main Article

Pet Info.png

Shows your pet and gives you access to the Pet Menu.


Main Article

Equipment Tab.png


Split into 2 sections Gear and Style, items slotted into the Style slots only alter appearance and provide no stats.


Allows you to assign/remove skills and items to/from quickslots. You can also rebind the slots or move/swap skills between slots.


Main Article

Inventory Tab.png

Contains access to all of the items you aquire throughout the game.


Main Article


Main Article

Skills Tab.png


Main Article

Journal Tab.png

World Map

Main Article

World Map Tab.png


System Tab.png