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Character Stats of a character at the start of story mode.

Your character's stats, or attributes, determine how strong you are during combat.

Max Health

Max Health is the amount of damage your character can take before dying. The game shows your current and max Health as a red bar on the HUD, with exact numbers on it.

Once your current health reaches 0, your character will die and turn into a ghost. In Story Mode, you can be revived by other players back to 25% Max HP; in Arcade Mode, you will revive with 1 HP if the remaining players clear the room.

There is no constant health regeneration, though Health can be recovered in other ways:

  • Touching HealthOrb.gif Health Orbs
  • Drinking Potion health-0.png Health Potions
  • Levelling up (heals fully in Story Mode, heals based on MaxHP gained from level up in Arcade)

Your base Max HP at level 1 is 100, and when you level up it increases and you are healed to full life. Your health increases by 3 + 2 * min(prevLevel, 25). This means that after level 25, each level will only grant 53 Max HP regardless of what level you were before the level-up.

Max HP can be increased via talents, cards, and some types of gear. In addition to that, you can reduce your incoming damage by getting high Defense, increasing your effective Max HP in the process.

Base Health at given level
Level Health Level Health Level Health Level Health
1 100 11 240 21 580 31 1090
2 105 12 265 22 625 32 1143
3 112 13 292 23 672 33 1196
4 121 14 321 24 721 34 1249
5 132 15 352 25 772 35 1302
6 145 16 385 26 825 36 1355
7 160 17 420 27 878 37 1408
8 177 18 457 28 931 38 1461
9 196 19 496 29 984 39 1514
10 217 20 537 30 1037 40 1567

Max Energy

Max Energy indicates the maximum Energy your character can store. The game shows your current and max Energy as a blue bar on the HUD, with exact numbers on it.

Energy (EP) allows the player to cast skills and spells, and refills at a base rate of 6 per second. The EP cost of skills is usually indicated on the skill's info menu, and some spells or items may also use EP indirectly (such as Berserk draining EP constantly, or Gold Charge Flamethrower consuming EP during its extra time).

Max energy can be increased with talents, gear, and cards. It can also be reduced by EP Blocking Spells (such as Frosty Friend), although this only lasts for as long as the spell is active.


Defense (DEF) reduces damage from all incoming attacks. There is no minimum or maximum defense, and there are a lot of gear pieces, talents, and cards that increase defense. It is generally more efficient to build than max HP, although there are exceptions.

Negative DEF will amplify the damage taken from attacks. Negative values can only be achieved with certain items such as: Rapier.png Marino's Rapier, Hat anglerfish.png Angler Fish Hat, Daisyarmor.png Daisy Armor or Skullring.png Skull Ring.


Attack determines the damage of basic attacks and Melee Skills. All weapons provide attack, though other types of gear can also provide small stat improvements. Some talents, such as Strength, can also increase your ATK by using a multiplier. 4 ATK is gained per level.

Attack Speed

Attack Speed influences the speed of your basic attacks and melee skills. It is written as a percentage, with 100% being the base. There are a lot of ways to increase attack speed, but a notable one is Armors. Attack speed can also be increased through talents, or by certain buffs such as Silver Charge Berserk's hit stacks, or Haste.

Attack Speed also affects the speed of the aiming reticle of Titan's Throw.

Magic Damage

Magic Attack affects the damage of your spells. It is one of the primary stats for mages, and any type of equipment can give MATK. If you use a wand or staff as a weapon, its basic attack and wand projectile damage will also increased based on your MATK. 2 MATK is gained per level.

Cast Speed

Cast Speed determines the speed at which you charge and your spells. It is written as a percentage, with the base at 100%. This means it is more effective for spells with long charge times, but mostly it is useful for mages that fire a lot of spells.

In addition, Cast Speed also affects some aspect of spells, such as the speed and max range of Fireball.

Critical Chance

Critical Chance determines the player's chance to critically strike. A critical strike deals bonus damage equal to the player's Critical Damage, and can trigger additional effects with certain items or Arcade Pins. Crit can be increased by cards, talents, gear, and certain buffs (such as Silver Charge Berserk's hit stacks) or debuffs (such as Chill when placed on enemies).

The player starts with a base Crit chance of 1%, which makes Critical Hits unlikely without the additional chance granted by other sources.

Critical Damage

Although not shown on the Character Stats page in the Menu System, Crit Damage (CritDMG) can be seen through item previews, or the Brutality talent preview. The base value is 150%, meaning that normally Critical Hits deal 50% more damage.

In item previews, CritDMG represents the bonus damage dealt by Critical Hits, while Brutality's preview shows the total damage (this means that 105% CritDMG in an item preview would mean a Critical Hit deals 205% total damage).

In Story Mode, the highest possible value is 260%: 150% base value, 30% from Brutality Level 3, 30% from the Ninja Suit and 50% from two Red Ribbon Brooches.

In Arcade Mode, CritDMG can be further increased by Pins.

Energy Regen

Energy Regen (EPReg) represents the player's EP regeneration speed as a percentage of the base regeneration rate (6 EP / s). The Character Stats screen shows the total value, while item previews show the bonus value granted by items and talents. The base value is 100.

EPReg can be increased with some items and talents, such as Blue Ribbon Brooch.png Blue Ribbon Brooch.

Movement Speed

Movement Speed is the amount of distance the player can move when walking, shielding, or charging spells. This stat is not shown in-game, but it can be affected by debuffs and talents. Normally, the player moves at a speed of 120 units / second, which is the same as Blink's max range.

While shielding, the player moves at 40% of the normal speed. This can be affected by the following effects:

  • The Shield Bearer talent, which increases the multiplier by 10% per level (30% max at level 3)
  • The Rollerblades, which adds a flat 10% to move speed
  • The Sailor Hat, which adds another flat 10% to move speed

While charging skills, the player moves at 40% of the normal speed. This can be affected by the following effects:

  • The Boar card, which increases the multiplier by 15%
  • The Multitasking talent, which increases the multiplier by 8% per level (40% max at level 5)
  • The Crystal Pumps, which decrease the multiplier by 75%
  • The Rollerblades, which adds a flat 10% to move speed
  • The Sailor Hat, which adds another flat 10% to move speed

The maximum possible multipliers at the moment are 72% for shielding, and 84.4% for charging spells.