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Peckos are large birds that rule the skies. They usually don't attack humans, but if you get close to a nesting site, you better watch out!

These ferocious birds can both stab you with their giant beaks, and smash you with their feet.


The Pecko is a giant bird enemy that has made the temple grounds its home, and is quite merciless when it comes to defending its territory! It’s a tanky, quite mobile enemy with a large attack range thanks to its ability to stretch its neck.


Peckos will try to approach the player by walking over to them. If the player is quite far away, they will fly to approach the player faster. If they are close enough and facing the player, they will move their heads back slightly, then peck at them three times in rapid succession, then stop for a short while. If a peck is perfect guarded, the Pecko will briefly pause. If the player is standing directly behind them, the Pecko will stomp on the player.

On hard mode, the Pecko will pause more briefly between its attacks.


  • The stomp attack that the Pecko uses on players that approach it from behind can be hard to avoid. It's generally better to stand somewhat to its side or simply guard its pecks before dealing damage.


  • The Pecko's Enemy Codex entry uses a picture of the Pecko Doll item instead of an actual Pecko.